10 Reasons Why We Should Eat More Avocados

The avocado provides energy. It also helps against joint swelling and stabilizes the heart rhythm, which is why it is particularly recommended for athletes.

10 reasons why we should eat more avocados

Today we’re talking about good reasons why we should eat more avocados.

This fruit has numerous health benefits. However, it is not quite as popular as other varieties (such as apples or oranges).

It also contains fat and many think that avocados are therefore not good for weight loss or for athletes. However, in this article, you will learn more about why you should eat more avocados !

One fruit, many benefits: why we should eat more avocados

First of all, let’s note that the fat in avocados isn’t bad as some think. Avocados are one of the best foods for athletes because they provide a lot of energy, which can improve performance.

But this fruit is not only recommended for sporting activities. Office workers, children, the elderly, pregnant women, and everyone else should also eat more avocados.

They would help regulate cholesterol levels and stabilize the heart rhythm (which is why they are good for athletes).

Avocados are also said to be a source of monounsaturated fats, oleic acids, and alpha-linoleic acids (known as omega fatty acids).


Avocados are high in protein, potassium, and zinc (more than bananas) and would therefore aid in the growth and regeneration of muscle mass. They also provide good fats that would naturally improve testosterone levels. 

Naturopaths also say that avocados work against joint inflammation and arthritis. They help repair cartilage thanks to the essential fatty acids and vitamin E.

The soluble and insoluble fiber ensure a feeling of satiety and slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates. The large proportion of oleic acid activates the feeling of contentment in the brain.

And that’s not all: the immune system is also improved due to the carotenoids it contains.  Avocados also contain lutein, an antioxidant that protects against very sickness.

This fruit can be consumed raw in salads, with vegetables, pure or in toasted bread, etc.


Folic acid

As mentioned earlier, avocados are said to be good for pregnant women and the baby too. Avocados contain a lot of folic acid, which is very important during pregnancy.

One should discuss with the doctor whether the artificial addition of folic acid can be avoided in this way. If you’re looking to get pregnant, avocados may also be the perfect way to prepare your body for it.

Those with high cholesterol might benefit from avocados to reduce the bad LDL and increase the good HDL. This is particularly important for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and, for example, a stroke.

Sliced ​​avocado

Skin care

Avocados are said to keep skin and hair young and healthy. You can use the fruit as a mask, for sunburn or to prevent wrinkles.

Since avocados are very creamy, they can also be used instead of butter or mayonnaise. You can use it to make cakes, banana bread, brownies, sandwiches, salads, etc.

In traditional medicine, avocados are used for various purposes, especially as an aphrodisiac and against diarrhea. In this case, the kernels and also the leaves and bark are used. They have also been used against dysentery and alopecia.

And the avocado seed?

Not only the pulp, but also other parts of the plant such as the core can be used. Even if the kernel is very large, it can be eaten raw as well as cooked. It is said to be very beneficial to health for a wide variety of complaints.


Some claim that most of the amino acids are in the core. The oil reduces high cholesterol levels and supposedly protects the body from cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.

In addition, the core helps excellently against diarrhea and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Avocado seeds are used in various countries to relieve inflammation and digestive problems.

The avocado seed contains phenols, which are said to help prevent intestinal ulcers as well as bacterial or viral infections.

The immune system can also be strengthened with avocado seeds, debilitating diseases and premature aging can possibly be prevented. Anyone suffering from arthritis or similar pain can allegedly relieve the pain with the avocado seed.

The oil gives the hair a special shine and is also very effective against dandruff. It has rejuvenating effects, increases the formation of collagen in the skin and helps to achieve a firmer appearance without wrinkles.

You can grate, toast, and drink avocado seeds as a tea. This can even be used to bring asthma attacks under control, this is what QiGong medicine teaches.

It also says that you can use it to achieve harmony and energy.

Avocado seeds can be eaten in salads, teas, shakes or straight (they taste slightly bitter, however).

Images courtesy of Javier Lastra, Joselu Blanco, Jaanus Silla, Luca Nebuloni, and Harmony Rae

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