Facial Gymnastics For A Younger Look

The facial muscles do not move the joints, only the skin. Everyone has 26 such muscles, of which only 8 are used for daily facial expressions.

Facial exercises for a younger look

Our facial muscles not only shape our wrinkles, but can also help tighten the skin and smooth out fine lines. We will explain to you which exercises will help. You can start doing this facial exercise today  !


Facial muscles

The facial muscles do not move joints, only the skin. Everyone has 26 such muscles, of which only 8 are used for daily facial expressions. Since the face is built up symmetrically, almost all muscles appear twice.

Only 8 muscles are needed to express all of our emotions and moods! We can also use it to actively close our eyelids or mouth, for example. It is precisely these muscles that cause our skin to wrinkle.

Through the activity of the facial muscles, the overlying skin is constantly pulled, pushed together, stretched and relaxed again. If the skin is still young and has a high level of elasticity, it does not leave any traces.

The older you get, the less elastic the skin is and the constant movement of the facial muscles leaves traces in the form of wrinkles.  It’s really true: You can tell the nature of the person from the wrinkles, because facial expressions dig their way through the wrinkles!

If you have a lot of laugh lines, you have a happy disposition, deep worry lines on the forehead are evidence of a thoughtful character.

Facial exercises

Facial exercises

If certain facial muscles are specifically used, the overlying skin tightens. Contours are strengthened, blood circulation increased and small wrinkles ironed out.

The best thing about facial gymnastics: you can do it anywhere and don’t need a gym! On a long drive in a traffic jam, in front of the TV, in the morning or in the evening in the bathroom.

You don’t need any utensils other than your fingers, you should just make sure that your skin is not too dry and tense when doing gymnastics.


There are beauty salons that offer professional facial gym classes. The course units last 45 minutes and muscle soreness afterwards is not uncommon. You don’t have to overdo it, though.

A few exercises inserted several times a day can help!

Firm upper lips

Press your lips tightly together and at the same time pull your mouth as wide as possible. Hold the tension for a few seconds and then release it again.


Tight eyes

Use your index finger and thumb to form a kind of “ring” around your eyes and pull the eye wide open at the eyebrow and cheekbones.

Now try with your muscles to draw your eyes together and blink. Strong! This tightens the eye area, because a well-trained muscle tightens the overlying skin!


Smooth forehead

Place the fingers of both hands firmly on your forehead and now try to push your eyebrows against the resistance of your hands.

Hold the tension for about 10 seconds, then release. Repeat a few times until a cozy warmth from muscle training has spread across your forehead (Figure 2).

Pencil exercise

If you don’t have a pencil, your index finger will do. Place it over your upper lip and press your upper lip as hard as possible against your index finger  . Hold tension, release and repeat.


Say or whisper the sound “Mmmmmmaaaa” several times in a row, with the “M” pressing your lips tightly together and with the “aaa” opening your mouth as wide as possible. This punishes all of the muscles around the mouth.

“Mama” for firm cheeks

Say “Mama” as often and as quickly as possible and open your jaw at the “a” as far as possible. The faster and more intensely you do this, the sooner you will feel how the cheek muscles are warming up and the skin above is supplied with blood and tightens.

kiss mouth

Place both index fingers in the corners of your mouth and hold them tight. Then try to form a kissable mouth and work against the resistance of your index fingers.

Corner of the mouth swing

Alternately pull the corners of your mouth to the left and right, like a swing. Feel how your cheeks alternately tighten and relax again.

Kiss circles

Form a pointy kissable mouth and use it to draw tiny circles in the air. 10 small circles to the right and the same number of circles to the left.

Facial exercises


As with any other sport, you should give your muscles time to relax after doing facial exercises. When you are at home, you can put a warm towel on your face.

On the way you rub your palms against each other warm and then place them over your face in different places. Tap the muscles lightly and massage gently.

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