Goiter: Enlargement Of The Thyroid Gland

The most important step for good prevention is sufficient information on the subject.

Goiter: enlargement of the thyroid gland

Thyroid problems are inheritable and are more common in women than men. One of these is the goiter or goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid gland. This post will provide you with useful information on this topic.

Thyroid: Questions and Answers

The most important step for a good pension is sufficient information on the topic. Here you will find various questions and the corresponding answers:

  • What is the thyroid gland and what functions does it perform? It is a gland weighing approx. 20 g, which is located in the throat, below the larynx, on the side of the windpipe. Their job is to synthesize, store and release the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These contribute to the correct functioning of the cells.
  • Which thyroid diseases are most common? The goiter , i.e. the enlargement of the thyroid gland, is one of the most common complaints. This is usually a benign ulcer, but it requires a medical examination. If the thyroid hormones in the blood decrease, it is called hypothyroidism and if overactive it is hyperthyroidism. Goiter does not occur in all thyroid problems.

    Symptoms and more

    • What are the symptoms of thyroid disorders? The lumps appear in the throat and can be noticed, for example, when washing, shaving or applying makeup. If they are relatively large, they cause discomfort when swallowing and breathing and can lead to a change in voice.

    • Is the risk of getting the disease the same for everyone? Thyroid problems are more common in women (the ratio is 6: 1). The risk of developing it is higher from the age of 40 and after menopause.
    • Which risk factors promote thyroid disorders? The nodules occur more often in areas with little iodine, with family history, radiation treatment in the neck area during childhood, weight gain or with autoimmune diseases (such as vitiligo, diabetes type 1, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis). External triggers are, for example, stress, tobacco consumption, bacterial or viral infections, certain drugs or too much iodine in a short period of time.
    • What treatment options are there? Benign lumps are usually examined every 6-12 months – this will be determined by the endocrinologist. An attempt can be made to reduce the size with surgery. In the case of hypothyroidism, the drug levothyroxine is usually prescribed, which replaces the thyroid hormones. For hyperthyroidism, the doctor usually prescribes methimazole. Those who do not smoke and are treated early have a great chance of a complete cure for these diseases.


    What is a goiter?

    This is the most common thyroid disorder, also called goiter. This can be recognized at first glance by the enlargement of the neck. There are two different types:

    • Diffuse goiter:  The enlargement affects the whole thyroid evenly.
    • Goiter nodosa: Here the enlargement is irregular, single or multiple nodes can be felt.

    These lumps can be small at first and grow gradually, which can cause discomfort in the throat, swallowing, or breathing or speaking.

    These symptoms can be accompanied by side effects such as excessive thyroid hormone production, thick skin, feeling cold, constipated, etc.

    thyroid goiter

    There are several causes of thyroid goiter, but most of them are associated with a lack of iodine in the diet.

    As a result, the thyroid gland has to produce the missing iodine through the hormones. The pituitary gland produces more TSH (a thyroid-stimulating hormone) to increase function and size.

    Other causes of goiter include:

    • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis:  This is a chronic inflammation that requires treatment with thyroxine.
    • Graves’ disease:  This occurs when the immune system makes antibodies that stimulate the thyroid gland. These TSI antibodies limit the effect of TSH and cause hyperthyroidism and an enlargement of the thyroid gland.

    The diagnosis of a goiter is made by palpating the neck. The doctor assesses the enlargement of the lumps as well as the sensitivity and checks whether the goiter is pressing on organs, which can lead to dysphagia (swallowing disorder), dysphonia (voice disorder) or dyspnoea (breathing disorder).

    An ultrasonic examination can be used to determine whether there is one or more nodes. A microscopic analysis of the cells can also be performed. A blood test can also help diagnose a goiter.

    Other options are a puncture or a scintigraphy of the thyroid gland.

    thyroid child

    The goiter can remain the same size for a long time or it can spread regularly. It can also cause hyperthyroidism, which is an excessive production of thyroid hormones.

    In areas with little iodine in the soil or in the diet, goiters are more common. Iodized salt can probably prevent this disease, although it has not yet been 100% confirmed.

    The risk group includes women with a genetic predisposition, especially over 40 years of age.

    Medication is prescribed to treat goiter in order to make up for the missing hormones. Small amounts of iodine or potassium iodide and radioiodine are also recommended to reduce the goiter. Surgical intervention to remove the thyroid is also possible.

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