Babysitter: 6 Tips For The Best Choice

We all know that being a mother is not easy. Especially not if you also have to fulfill your professional obligations and therefore have to let someone else look after your child. Today we have a few tips for you to make it easier for you to choose the right babysitter. 

Babysitter: 6 tips for making the best choice

Many women have to go back to work soon after their child is born, long before their child is big enough for kindergarten. But it is not easy to choose the right  babysitter  to entrust the little baby to.

Parents are often very worried when they have to leave their little child to a stranger. This is particularly difficult for everyone if the infant is only used to close family members.

But even if the choice is difficult, it is not impossible to find a good  babysitter However, you have to be patient and consider various aspects to be on the safe side. Don’t forget that outward appearance can be deceptive.

So try to find out as much as you can about the potential candidates. Because it’s about the well-being and safety of your baby! 

Finding the right babysitter takes time and patience

Finding the right babysitter takes time and patience
When choosing the right babysitter, the age of the child plays an important role.

The natural mother instinct always aims to protect the little treasure as best as possible. It is therefore difficult to have a stranger supervise the baby. You need time and patience to find the right babysitter, and you shouldn’t make this decision hastily.

Don’t forget that there are a number of things you need to consider. Will the babysitter be alone with your child or is there a family member present? How old is your child? Does it have to be supervised for a long time or is it only for short periods of time?

The responsibilities of the supervisor vary depending on the age of the child. Because supervising a baby who can’t speak yet takes the right experience. Playing with an older child, on the other hand, is usually a little easier.

Trust and security come first. This is the only way you can leave your child behind with the babysitter while you go about other activities. Trust your instincts: If you don’t feel good the first time you talk to the potential nanny or manny (male babysitter), you’d better keep looking.

The most common doubts 

At the beginning of the search, most parents have a variety of doubts and questions. Especially if they have no babysitting experience. It’s not an easy decision! If your fears are too great, or if you are just unsure, it may be better to send your child to a daycare center.

Here are some facts to consider:

  • Babysitters usually don’t know much about education. Their educational function is therefore usually less than the opportunities offered in a day nursery or kindergarten.
  • It is often difficult to find someone who is available for exactly the time required. Even so, you can probably find someone who adapts to your working hours better than the daycare.
  • However, a babysitter is usually more expensive than group care. The first thing you need to do is calculate how expensive it is to care for your child. Depending on the times required, you may also have to expect that you have to provide the babysitter with food or a place to sleep.
  • We have all heard all sorts of stories about babysitting that  are not always positive. This of course leads to fear and distrust. Especially if you notice “unusual” things during the first conversation. However, you should not be guided by fear, but by your heart!

    How do I choose the right babysitter? Basic tips 

    How do I choose the right babysitter?  Basic tips 
    Be attentive during the first conversation and let your heart guide you! You have to be able to absolutely trust the babysitter.

    1. Check out his experience

    Find out as much information as possible and have them show you all references and the résumé. Pay particular attention to  whether the candidate has already carried out similar work and for how long. 

    It is best to talk to the families with whom the person has already looked after children. They can tell you about their experiences. Of course, it is best if someone you know can recommend a nanny or a manny!

    2. Prepare yourself well for the first interview

    You should prepare well for the interview. Write down all the questions you want to ask the potential candidate  so you can be sure they are the right person.

    Ask about his or her professional experience, why he or she left with other families, and how they would act in a variety of situations. Also ask what the potential candidates think of physical punishment or certain parenting styles. 

    3. Check upbringing and good presence

    It is important that the babysitter appears properly at the interview. That doesn’t mean he or she has to show up in an expensive suit. But the candidates should appear well groomed and dressed appropriately for the occasion. 

    In addition, it is important that they are well behaved and have values. Don’t forget that your child will learn a lot from their babysitter.

    3. Short rehearsal

    Let the candidates play with your child for a moment to see how they do it and how your little darling reacts. Your child should have sympathy for their future carer.

    See if they feel comfortable, calm, and safe. Because you ca n’t forcegood relationship. This could affect the separation process. 

    4. Confirm the times the babysitter is available

    Already in the interview you should mention the times when your child needs care and make sure that the candidate is actually available. If there are problems with the schedule, you should also look at other candidates. 

    5. Tell the babysitter your conditions and rules

    In the very first conversation,  you should make a note of what you expect from a babysitter. How would you like your baby or child to be cared for, what are the responsibilities of the caregiver, how should they act in an emergency?

    If you see that  the future nanny or Manny has objections, or does not agree with certain things, you should find someone else. 

    6. Listen to the supervisor’s terms and conditions

    During the interview, the babysitter should also have the opportunity to state their conditions. The more detailed and precise, the better. If there are things that are incompatible, it may not be the right person for you and your child.

    Keep searching to find the appropriate supervisor. Don’t forget: you need patience and time for this!

    More recommendations to help you choose the right babysitter

    Child and babysitter
    A good babysitter will have a good time with your child and give you more freedom to carry out your responsibilities.

    If you can get the babysitter to meet all of these requirements, you can arrange a trial period with them. It is best to start with short supervision times. So you can see how it works and how your child feels and behaves.

    Also check that the chosen person is keeping to the appointments. Don’t forget to give him or her your phone number in case of emergencies. You can also get regular updates from your babysitter. If everything went well during the probationary period, you can arrange longer periods with the supervisor.

    Even if you have a great babysitter,  remember that this person can never be the mother. Even if you have to work a lot, your child needs your unconditional love. Only you can give this to him.

    Don’t forego the privilege of raising your child even if you need help and have a good babysitter!

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