7 Health Benefits Of Tomatillos

Green tomatillos are foods that are used in Mexican cuisine. Despite their small size, they offer a lot of nutrients.

7 health benefits of tomatillos

Like eggplants, potatoes, tomatoes and chilli, tomatillos belong to the nightshade family. The plant originally comes from Mexico, where it is known under the name “green tomato”.

The shrub grows about three feet high and produces flowers and fruits that last until sub-zero temperatures are reached.

The fruits are round and around 2.5 to 5 cm in circumference. It is protected by a paper-like cover, the calyx. The ripe  tomatillos  are soft and sticky and have a yellowish-green color. 

Properties of the tomatillos

The main beneficial properties of these fruits are:

  • They are rich in antioxidants,
  • contain large amounts of vitamin C and
  • Phosphorus.
  • They are also distinguished by calcium, salts, minerals and iron,
  • have anti-carcinogenic properties and
  • are an excellent source of fiber.
  • They also contain additional vitamins (niacin) and minerals (potassium and magnesium).

Then you will learn more about the health benefits of tomatillos.

Tomatillos promote digestion

Tomatillos improve digestion.

Like most vegetables, tomatillos also contain important fiber, which supports the digestive function and facilitates fat loss. This fruit can therefore prevent constipation and flatulence.

In addition, the dietary fiber regulates the absorption of carbohydrates and thus  the blood sugar level can be reduced. This is especially useful for people who have diabetes or high blood sugar levels.

Cancer prevention with tomatillos

Tomatillos contain phytochemical antioxidants such as ixocarpalacton A, which have antibacterial and anti-carcinogenic properties. This combats free radicals that promote cell aging.

In addition, these fruits provide vitamins A, C and flavonoids, which are effective against lung and oral cavity cancer.

They strengthen your immune system

Tomatillos strengthen your immune system.

As mentioned earlier, tomatillos contain an abundance of vitamin C, which helps to stimulate the immune system.

These fruits stimulate the production of red blood cells, which are part of the immune system that keeps pathogens away.

It also improves collagen production, which benefits the skin, cells and tissue. At the same time, the metabolism is stimulated.

Tomatillos improve eyesight

The vitamins and beta-carotene contained in this fruit have a positive effect on eyesight. Tomatillos therefore help prevent cataracts and other eye diseases. They also counteract muscle breakdown.

They help you lose weight

Tomatillos speed up weight loss.

These little globular fruits also help you lose weight! They provide important nutrients and fiber, contain only a few calories and hardly any fat. Tomatillos have a filling effect and support fat loss.

They also contain the active ingredient tomatidine, which strengthens the muscles.

You increase performance

The niacin contained in the fruits supports the conversion of nutrients into energy. It also improves the digestive process and generally provides more energy and better performance.

Heart health

Tomatillos strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Tomatillos contain potassium, which protects cardiovascular system health. They have a vasodilating effect and are also characterized by the following advantages:

  • Relaxation of the blood vessels
  • Stimulation of the circulatory system
  • Reduction of tension
  • Improved oxygenation of the blood

    The dietary fiber can also reduce the cholesterol level, which in turn lowers the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack or stroke.

    The shell of the tomatillos

    Don’t throw them away! It has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. The peel of these fruits has, among other things, the following positive effects:

    • Removes dandruff
    • Fights hair loss
    • Reduces ear pain
    • Relieves stomach pain
    • Is effective against respiratory problems
    • Lowers blood pressure

    Do you feel like trying these delicious fruits?

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