4 Breakfast Tips With Chia Seeds

Chia seeds for breakfast provide you with a lot of nutrients and energy to start the day fit. At the same time you are doing something for your digestion. In this article, we introduce you to 4 breakfast tips with chia seeds.

4 breakfast tips with chia seeds

Chia seeds for breakfast provide you with plenty of nutrients and energy to start the day fit. At the same time you are doing something for your digestion. In this article we present 4 breakfast tips with chia seeds.

If you still feel flat after getting up, this superfood will help you wake up. Thanks to their nutrient-rich ingredients, the seeds help maintain weight as an integral part of the diet. At the same time, they have positive effects on health.

The big advantage is that they are very versatile and can be combined with different foods. In addition, due to their fiber, amino acids and healthy fats, they are ideally suited to supply the body with everything it needs.

Would you also like to have an uncomplicated, healthy breakfast? Then you will find 4 breakfast tips with chia seeds below . But first, let’s take a quick look at its main advantages.

Benefits of Chia Seeds

Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have become increasingly popular in recent years. Mainly because a lot of Hollywood greats recommend them. Originally from Guatemala and Mexico, they can now be found in different parts of the world.

They are characterized by a slightly nutty taste that goes well with fruit or yogurt. Another characteristic is their gelatinous texture, which they take on after being left in water for a few hours.

Chia seeds should be consumed for the following reasons:

  • Thanks to their omega-3 fatty acids , they help control cholesterol levels and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Your proteins and carbohydrates increase the energy level and have a positive effect on physical and mental performance.
  • They contain amino acids that promote weight loss and building muscle mass.
  • With their antioxidant content, they protect the cells and reduce the risk of premature aging.
  • Your dietary fiber improves the digestive process and reduces symptoms such as constipation and heartburn.
  • Anti-inflammatory substances relieve joint and muscle pain.
  • The amounts of tryptophan it contains improve serotonin production and help control anxiety, depression and sleep problems.

4 breakfast tips with chia seeds

A breakfast with chia seeds is ideal for supplying the organism with energy in the morning and supplying it with all the nutrients it needs. In this way, it supports the metabolic functions when losing weight without staying hungry.

So try our 4 breakfast tips with chia seeds!

1. Greek yogurt with chia seeds

Greek yogurt with chia seeds

This delicious breakfast idea is rich in high quality proteins that promote muscle building. It’s also probiotic, which helps regulate digestive pH. This prevents inflammation and constipation.


  • ½ cup of Greek yogurt (125 ml)
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds (15 g)
  • Fruit to taste (bananas, kiwis or strawberries go well)


  • Pour the Greek yogurt into a bowl and add the chia seeds.
  • Refine it with fruits you like and stir everything with a spoon.

2. Mixed drink made from mango, yogurt and chia seeds

This recipe is without a doubt one of the tastiest and fastest to make. It contains a lot of fiber, which stimulates digestion and reduces anxiety.

It also contains small amounts of amino acids, which have a beneficial effect on the metabolism and muscles.


  • 1 ripe mango
  • 1 glass of natural yogurt (200 ml)
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds (30 g)


  • Cut the pulp of the mango and put it in the blender.
  • Add the yogurt and mix everything through a few times.
  • When the drink is ready, just stir in the chia seeds.

3. Oats and chia seeds

Oats with chia seeds

Among the 4 breakfast tips with chia seeds, this alternative with oats is particularly suitable for those who have little time in the morning for a hearty breakfast. For this recipe you only need 15 minutes and the result is delicious, nutritious and energizing.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 cup of oats (105 g)
  • 2 tbsp vanilla extract (30 ml)
  • 1 tbsp powdered cinnamon (15 g)
  • 2 tbsp honey (50 g)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • 4 tbsp chia seeds (60 g)


  • Pour the water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil with the vanilla extract and cinnamon.
  • Once the boiling point is reached, add the oats and turn the stove on the lowest setting.
  • Let everything simmer for 5 to 8 minutes.
  • Then take the pot off the stove and let the oats rest briefly.
  • Afterwards add the honey and possibly salt.
  • Arrange the oats in a bowl and finally add the chia seeds.

Tip:  If you want, you can refine the oats with dried fruits, berries or pieces of banana.

4. Flour tarts with chia seeds

These delicious tartlets made from flour and chia seeds are a great option to replace ready-made products from the supermarket. They are low in calories and control the feeling of hunger for a while.


  • 3 cups of wheat flour (375 g)
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds (15 g)
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • 3 tbsp sliced ​​dried fruit (45 g)
  • olive oil


  • Put all of the ingredients in a container except the olive oil.
  • Mix everything carefully until you get a thick paste.
  • Then cover everything with a cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  • Then form small tartlets out of the dough.
  • Finally, distribute the olive oil in a pan and fry the tartlets on both sides until they turn a golden brown color.

As you can see, making a simple and tasty breakfast with chia seeds is a breeze. If you haven’t tried our 4 breakfast tips with chia seeds, now is your chance to learn about the benefits of this superfood.

Good Appetite!

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