5 Recipes For Do-it-yourself Facial Toner

With these 5 recipes you will know exactly what to apply to your skin!

5 do-it-yourself facial toner recipes

Toner is used to remove any remaining soap or lime residue from the water on your facial skin after washing your face. Today we recommend different  recipes for facial toner.

When cleansing the face, the natural protective acid mantle of the skin is often attacked. Some facial tonic is used to restore this natural protective shield. 

Toner recipes

Please only use distilled water to make your facial toner and not tap water.

You can get distilled water in the pharmacy or in the household goods store, where it is also sold as “ironing water”. It contains neither bacteria nor minerals and is completely pure. Ideal for use on the face!

For all other ingredients, make sure that you get them in pure, organically grown quality and that they have no chemical additives.

Otherwise it makes little sense to make the toner yourself if you buy the chemicals with the ingredients!

It is ideal to store your toner in dark bottles that you put in the refrigerator. Herbal ingredients in particular are sensitive to light and lose their effectiveness under UV radiation.

It is better to only prepare small amounts so that you always have fresh and flawless facial toner!

Recipes for toner with chamomile

Healing toner

The first of the toner recipes is suitable for skin irritated by sunburn, cold or other external stimuli. Chamomile, marigold and aloe vera have a healing and soothing effect on your skin.

  • 50ml marigold tea
  • 50ml chamomile tea
  • 1 teaspoon pure aloe vera (gel)

For the teas, boil the respective flowers to a strong brew. Mix all the ingredients and apply the finished facial toner several times to the irritated skin.

The facial tonic must be stored in the refrigerator, as aloe gel spoils quickly if left unrefrigerated! You can obtain the gel yourself from your aloe plant or buy it at the pharmacy.

Please do not use gels from the tube, they contain preservatives! Alternatively, you can use fresh aloe vera juice.

This toner does not last long. You can therefore freeze it as an ice cube. So you always have it at hand when you need the toner!

Recipes for toner with cucumber

Moisturizer cucumber

The classic among face masks is the cucumber mask. Who doesn’t know the cucumber slices on their face? You can also use the moisturizing benefits of cucumber in the facial toner!

  • ΒΌ cucumber
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Peel the cucumber and remove the seeds (if large). Add the peeled quarter of the cucumber with the lemon juice in a blender or puree with the hand blender. The citric acid helps your skin to regenerate the protective acid mantle.

After using it as a facial tonic, you can top up the rest with soda or water as a soft drink!

Recipes for toner with roses

Rose water

We don’t have a real recipe for rose water for you, we just want to draw your attention to the beauty tradition from the Arab world.

Rose water has been used in beauty care there for centuries because it is good for the skin.

We also have many cosmetic products that have real rose oil on the list of ingredients.

If you buy rose water, please make sure that it is not perfumed like rose, but that it is really pure rose water!

This is the only way you can enjoy the benefits of the rose, everything else is cheap perfumed water with which you can scent your laundry. Not more.

Recipes for toner with rosemary

Toner for blemished and oily skin

Oily skin often has pimples and becomes greasy quickly. So it makes sense to use degreasing and disinfecting alcohol as the basis for the facial toner. Lavender and rosemary soothe the skin. You need:

  • 40ml of vodka or grain
  • 60ml distilled water
  • 8 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 8 drops of lavender essential oil

Warning: essential oils should be pure, not a mixture. Even “scented oils” are not suitable for this, it is about the active ingredients of nature!

Pure essential oils must never be used directly on the skin as they irritate the skin!

If you don’t have vodka or grain in the house, please don’t use anything else! It has to be a clear schnapps with a high alcohol content and without any additives!

Toner recipes

Apple cider vinegar toner

Apple cider vinegar has two advantages for use in a facial tonic: its acidity brings the pH value of the skin back into balance and dissolves any calcium residues from the water, so that your skin is really clean after use.

You need:

  • 30ml apple cider vinegar
  • 60ml distilled water

Apply with a cotton ball after each face wash. The smell evaporates when drying, don’t worry!

Which of these toner recipes will you try first?

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