A Lot Happens – Or Doesn’t Happen – For A Reason!

There is a reason for much of what happens. We usually only know much later what the reason was.

Much happens - or doesn't happen - for a reason!

A lot happens because there is a hidden reason behind it and if nothing happens, it is not without reason either. Of course, this has not been scientifically proven, but believing in it helps us to get over disappointments, blows of fate and events that burden us “without any reason”.

Not everything has a reason, but a lot!

There are severe, traumatic strokes of fate. Children are torn from life, tragic accidents or illnesses change our lives.

Of course, there is not always a reason why all of this happens, but if we believe that it was “good for something”, this way of looking at things helps us to cope better with such occurrences.

Because we have often learned in the past that some things didn’t happen because something better should happen or to protect us from something.

Sometimes we learn what would have happened to us if we had, but sometimes we just have to trust that fate will be kind to us.

Woman flower

Fate means well – you mean it better!

Trusting that fate means good to us doesn’t mean sitting back and waiting for something to happen that will bring you further in life.

Fate or not – in the end you are still responsible for your life, you are the captain and sit at the wheel and steer your life on the right course.

Fate, one might think, intervenes to regulate, from time to time it takes the helm out of your hand to correct your course, but then it’s your turn to stay on course and steer your life towards happiness!

Be active, bring yourself and your life forward, don’t wait for something to happen, take your life into your own hands and act!

Some things don’t need a reason to happen

Sometimes it’s better when things happen for no apparent reason. Usually it’s little things that we don’t think about any further.

Missed the bus? Then you usually just take the next one without knowing that something might have happened on the missed bus.

Maybe your wallet would have been stolen there? Perhaps you would have cracked your foot if you had applied the brakes? You don’t know, so don’t worry that the bus is gone.

Just accept it and trust that fate will mean well to you even in small things.


Big disasters get smaller

Often events appear to us as major catastrophes when we are stuck in the situation itself. But with a little distance we realize: half as bad! Or also: It’s good that it was like that!

This affects things on a larger scale than the missed bus: a termination, separation, serious illness, an argument, … As long as the emotions are still there, everything revolves around the “why”: why me? Why now? Why?

Perhaps you will realize later: the argument was necessary because we finally spoke honestly with each other and now your relationship has become more open and connected.

The termination was necessary because the new job is more fun and the new colleagues are nicer. The separation was necessary because the dream prince was just waiting for you to be free …

Don’t question too much, just let such things enrich your life with experiences, as an intermediate step to the next stage.


Some things never have a reason

However, there are things that really happen for no apparent reason. Maybe the death of a child, innocent deaths in war, terrorist attacks, natural disasters.

Not everything in life can (and must!) Be understood. Sometimes it is up to us to take things as they are and continue to steer our ship through the ocean of life when the sea is rough, the water is deep and the sky is black.

Because we know there is an island with calm waters where the sun shines.

Standing still, throwing the sails and not moving is not a solution in such situations. Only those who take control of their own can make progress in life.

Even if things happen for no reason, they should never make you take the helm and drift aimlessly through your life …

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