What Can I Do About Hemorrhoids?

In addition to external treatments, which can provide relief in the event of discomfort or after using the toilet, it is important to ensure a diet with sufficient fiber to make it easier to defecate.

What can I do about hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids can be very uncomfortable and make everyday life difficult. Find out today what you  can do about hemorrhoids .

When the hemorrhoidal vessels expand and sink down, it causes great, very uncomfortable pain. We will then introduce you to various home remedies to alleviate these symptoms. 

Interesting facts about hemorrhoids

Studies show that  around 50% of the world’s population suffers from abnormal hemorrhoids  (both internal and external).

The following causes can trigger a hemorrhoidal disease:

  • obesity
  • chronic constipation
  • frequent diarrhea
  • pregnancy
  • Diet high in animal protein
  • Fiber deficiency
  • Food allergy
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Work that requires great effort or long periods of standing.

The most common symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease are:

  • tingle
  • swelling
  • Burn
  • pain
  • itching
  • Bleeding
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying

How can you relieve the symptoms?

If the hemorrhoid problem is caused by an unbalanced diet,  you should change your eating habits and regularly include the following foods:

  • oats
  • fruit
  • green leafy vegetables

You can also use various home remedies to relieve the annoying discomfort. Here’s what you can do for hemorrhoids:

What to do about hemorrhoids

Aloe vera

What you can do about hemorrhoids: aloe vera

Aloe vera helps relieve itching, swelling and burning. The gel from this plant is easy to use and brings almost instant relief.

Simply cut open an aloe leaf (it’s best to buy a plant) and remove the gel. This is applied to the affected area after defecation.

Don’t forget to thoroughly clean the area after emptying it to prevent infection.

Medicinal plants

Herbal infusions can be very helpful in relieving hemorrhoids. The most recommended medicinal plants include chamomile, horsetail and horehound.


  • 1 handful of the chosen medicinal plant (leaves or flowers)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Bring the water to a boil and then add the herbs and simmer for 5 minutes. Then let it steep for another 10 minutes.
  • Sieve and then pour into a hip bath (the water should be lukewarm).
  • You then bathe in it for 10 minutes to feel relief.

    Swiss chard

    You can eat more raw Swiss chard to encourage emptying and keep  the hemorrhoids from hurting.

    Here’s what you can do for hemorrhoids:


    • 1 handful of Swiss chard
    • water


    • Wash the chard thoroughly and then place in a bowl.
    • Then put in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
    • The cold chard leaves are then placed on the affected area until they reach body temperature.
    • You can use this treatment three times a day or whenever you feel uncomfortable.



    This delicious tuber can also relieve the symptoms of pathological hemorrhoids as it has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces burning sensation.

    You can use the potato in different ways, but remember that it has to be cold.

    Treatment options:

    • Peel the potato and then grate it. Then put it in a cloth and place it on the affected area.
    • Peel the potato and then cut it into slices. Then put it on the painful area.

    It is important that  the juice of the potato is in contact with the swelling and so can alleviate the suffering.  Do not rinse.


    The juice of the tomatoes provides moisture and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Simply cut a tomato in half (fresh from the refrigerator) and then place it on the affected area with a little pressure. Remove after a few minutes.

    Even more tips against hemorrhoids

    If you have already tried the aforementioned treatment options or if you want to learn about other home remedies, we recommend the following natural recipes:

    Home remedies with garlic, bay leaf and clove

    All three ingredients have healing, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effects. In combination they work great!


    • 3 cloves of garlic
    • 2 bay leaves
    • 3 cloves
    • 1/2 liter of water


    • Bring the water to a boil and then add the cloves. Then add the quartered garlic and the crushed bay leaves to the water.
    • Cook everything for half an hour and then let it steep for another 10 minutes.
    • Sieve and let cool down a bit. Then some cotton wool is moistened with it, which is placed on the affected area.

    Home remedies for hemorrhoids with chamomile and rose petals

    Chamomile bath

    Both plants are perfect for relieving symptoms and then treating the affected skin.


    • 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers (10 g)
    • 2 roses
    • 1 cup of wheat germ oil (250 ml)
    • 2 tablespoons of beeswax (20 g)
    • 2 tablespoons of lanolin (20 g)


    • Mix the oil with the chamomile in a saucepan. The rose petals are then also added.
    • Heat everything at low temperature for 1 hour and stir occasionally. Then remove from the heat and strain the chamomile and rose petals.
    • After that, the beeswax and lanolin are melted. Mix everything together and then wait for the ointment to set.
    • Thereafter, whenever pain occurs, it can be applied directly to the affected area.

    Home remedies for hemorrhoids with dandelion, witch hazel and celandine

    All of these plants have excellent properties  and also help to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoid problems. You can also use it against insect bites, eczema, and superficial wounds.


    • 2 tablespoons of witch hazel (20 g)
    • two tablespoons of dandelion (20 g)
    • 2 tablespoons of celandine (20 g)
    • 1/2 liter of water


    • Bring the water to a boil and then add the herbs. Remove from heat after 10 minutes and let steep for another 10 minutes.
    • Then sieve and moisten some cotton wool with this infusion. This is then placed on the affected area until the liquid is completely absorbed.
    • Repeat as often as necessary until the pain and itchiness go away.

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