5 Health Problems That Cause Back Pain

There are numerous causes that can lead to back pain. If the pain persists for several weeks, you should definitely get a medical exam to determine the exact trigger. 

5 health problems that cause back pain

Various injuries or illnesses can cause back pain In many cases, these are caused by insufficient movement and weak back and abdominal muscles, but other problems could also be hidden behind them. Today we report on various health problems  that can trigger back pain .

Illnesses can  affect organ functions, joints, bones or muscles, giving us signs that it is time to do something. 
In today’s article deals with complaints and pathologies that  cause back pain. 

The back is supported by the spine and extends from the neck to the tip of the tailbone. The rib cage defines the width of the back while protecting the lungs. The kidneys are located in the lower back and can also cause back pain if they are disturbed.

The back enables us to walk and stand upright, the spine not only makes us flexible and mobile, but also protects the spinal cord!

Interesting facts about back pain

Diseases that can cause back pain

Back pain is very common, which is mostly due to different lifestyle habits. They can be acute or chronic, disappear on their own or last for months.

The exact causes cannot always be determined, but if there are no serious illnesses,  cold and warm compresses, improved living habits or anti-inflammatory drugs can be helpful. 

Diseases that can cause back pain

Then we will tell you about various ailments that can cause back pain, among other things:

1. Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer and other diseases that cause back pain

This cancer often results in back pain caused by bone metastases.

  • Pain is common, especially in the right lumbar region.
  • Sacroileitis can also occur, a very painful inflammation of the sacroiliac joint.

2. Endometriosis

With this disease, there is severe pain  due to the frequent occurrence of uterine contractions and colic. 

  • Back pain is also caused by scarred tissue resulting from damage caused by this disease.
  • Internal damage can result not only in back pain but also in the chest area.

This pain can be relieved with medicines or a hot bath, which relaxes the muscles.

3. Scoliosis

Scoliosis can cause back pain

Lateral deformation of the spine very often leads to back pain.

  • The back pain can be very intense. Those affected unconsciously try to compensate for the curvature by tensing their muscles, but this only makes the pain worse.

    4. Lumbar pain

    Low back pain causes intense pain in the lumbar area,  which is often triggered by unusual movement or turning the body. When it comes to acute complaints, one speaks of lumbago or acute lumbago.

    • It can also be caused by microscopic tears in the muscle fibers caused by abrupt movements, lifting heavy objects or incorrect stretching.

    The pain can be brief, but it can be so severe that it cannot move for a long time.

    5. Osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis can cause back pain

    Osteoporosis  can also cause back pain if the spine is affected. 

    • This disease can be asymptomatic for years.
    • However, over time, the bones become fragile and pain can occur in various parts of the body.

    Take care of your body to prevent pain and avoid problems! If you have back pain, see a doctor to find out the exact cause.

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