Avocado Kernel – Health-promoting Properties

You can use the avocado kernel externally for skin or muscle problems or to alleviate discomfort in connection with the arteries. 

Avocado seeds - health benefits

The avocado is a very tasty and nutritious fruit that has many health- promoting properties. Most of the time we just throw away the stone, but it contains more medicinal and health benefits than the fruit. 

You can  Use avocado seeds topically for skin or muscle problems or to relieve discomfort associated with the arteries. 

In the following article you will learn how you can use the avocado kernels to take advantage of their health-promoting properties. You can use it to treat a variety of diseases, lose weight, and much more. 

Avocado seeds – health benefits?

The avocado is an excellent, very complete food. We therefore advise you to incorporate this fruit into your diet every day.

Then you will learn how to use the kernel, because  70% of the important amino acids in avocado are in the kernel. The avocado contains more soluble fiber than any other fruit.

Healthy benefits

In the following section we will show you the health-promoting properties of the avocado kernel:

  • Antioxidant:  The core is a powerful antioxidant and can therefore prevent cell aging.
  • The amino acids it contains can prevent cardiovascular diseases, which is  why the avoado core is ideal for high cholesterol or triglyceride levels and helps prevent coronary diseases.
  • Strengthening of the immune system  and complaints caused by viruses, fungi and parasites.
  • Detoxification and fat burning:  The logic of nature intended it in such a way that the avocado seed helps burn the fat contained in the pulp. It also contains a lot of soluble fiber and thus has a digestive and filling effect.
  • The core also acts as an astringent  and is ideal for curing diarrhea and inflammation of the digestive tract.
  • It has aphrodisiac properties and  thus increases the libido.
  • The avocado seed has a revitalizing effect on tiredness and exhaustion.
  • The avocado seed can also be helpful for muscle and joint pain , it can be applied topically.
  • The active ingredient flavonol contained in the avocado kernel  has a cancer-inhibiting effect.
  • Prevention of Epilepsy.
  • It helps to make pimples and boils go away as they dry out.
  • It can prevent thyroid disorders.
  • The core has a positive effect on the skin and makes it look younger, both through consumption and external use. This stimulates the production of collagen.
  • The avocado seed is a natural remedy for  asthma.


    The avocado seed has a bitter taste. Remove the brown skin first, then rub the core. If you wish, you can roast the core on a low level, it will then take on a reddish color. You can use the grated core in the following ways:

    • Use it to make tea. Boil a spoonful of the abrasion for 10 minutes, then let the tea steep for 5 minutes. Then drink it throughout the day.
    • Use the avocado stone to garnish salads, soups, stews, dishes with rice, pasta, etc.
    • After roasting the stone, you can use a coffee grinder to grind it. You can then store the resulting powder.

    Important note: Excessive consumption of the avocado kernel can lead to constipation due to the large amount of tannins.

    External use of the avocado seed

    For external application of the core, you can use the following methods:

    • Rub the core, then mix it with alcohol. Then let the mixture sit for a week. This alcohol can then be used for  massages and injuries  such as joints and muscles. If you have a migraine, you can use it to gently rub your forehead or temples.
    • You can use the powder of the core to make  a paste and use it to treat pimples and boils. These dry out with it. Mix the powder with some warm water, then make a paste out of it. Apply this to the skin in two layers and then let it work for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat this until the pimples go back.
    • Means for shiny hair and against split ends:  rub the raw core and then mix it with a little castor oil. Then let the mixture sit for a day. Then use the oil like a conditioner and rub it into the scalp. Cover your head with a film or cloth. Then wash off the leftovers with plenty of water after an hour. If you have very oily hair, this treatment is not suitable.
    • You can also use the powder of the avocado kernel  to tighten and revitalize the skin.
    • Finally, we would like to briefly mention as a curiosity that the ground avocado kernel mixed with cheese and flour is also used to make rat poison.
    • Images provided by Rosmary and clkao

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