Back Pain: Where It Comes From And What Helps Against It

There is also effective prevention against back pain – if you know what the causes are. We’ll show you!

Back pain: where it comes from and what works against it

Everyone has had it and fears it: back pain. They usually accompany you for days and torment you with many movements. But usually this pain can be prevented well. You just have to know what the cause is!

This article is primarily about back pain that has nothing to do with a change in the spine or its components such as intervertebral discs, etc. If your spine is already significantly damaged, it is too late.

In order to prevent this stage, however, you should know what causes can lead to back problems – and how you can “switch off” these causes in everyday life and thus prevent back pain in the long term.


Too heavy a burden

Carrying heavy loads is a classic cause of back pain . Everyone knows it: the cupboard or the washing machine was heavier than expected when moving, and the next morning you get the receipt in the form of back pain.

Holiday luggage that is too heavy or heavy handbags worn incorrectly over a long period of time can also be a cause. You can prevent it very easily: there are special straps for carrying heavy objects, with which you can carry heavy loads with less strain on your back.

Always bend your knees and lift the weight with the strength of your thighs – not your back! Make sure that your holiday luggage has wheels and that you don’t have to lug it around.

Your handbag should also be as light as possible so as not to burden your back on one side. If your handbag is too heavy, always carry it alternately on the left and then on the right.

ideal weight

Too heavy body weight

Excess pounds also put a strain on your back. Because not only the heavy shopping bag, but also your heavy body has to be moved day after day! Get advice on how you can lose weight in such a way that you only lose fat, not (back) muscles!

The wrong diet damages your muscles and creates far more problems than it gets off your neck. Every kilo less of bacon results in less strain on your back!


Overhead work

Special professional groups (painters, car mechanics, etc.) are forced to work overhead for long periods of time. That puts a strain on your back. Try to alternate work that has to be done overhead with work that allows your back to take a more relaxed position!

Change your posture during work and give your back breaks to strain!

Writing woman

Bent torso

A wrong attitude in the workplace due to incorrectly set office chairs, monitors or keyboards can cause you forward spending permanently hunched over the day.

Uncorrected ametropia can also cause you to bend forward more than is good for your back. Sitting down alone is not to blame for causing your back pain. You just have to sit correctly!

Therefore, make sure that the sitting position is correct! To strengthen your muscles while sitting, use balloon cushions or sitting balls, for example, which also ensure that your back stays fit.


Jerky movements

If unusual movements are carried out jerkily and with force, a vertebra can “slip” and thereby block. This can happen, for example, during sports or when you move suddenly. Therefore, avoid moving things with the proverbial “rush”!

Back pain

Muscle tension

Basically, most back pain is caused by muscle tension. Pinched nerves can also be caused by muscle tension.

If the muscle tension persists, a vertebra can be pushed or pulled out of its position, which leads to a so-called vertebral blockage.

Muscle tension can not only occur as a result of incorrect exercise , but can also be a symptom of stress and other psychological stress or problems.


The best prevention against back pain

To prevent back pain, you should ensure a back-friendly environment in your everyday life. Especially where you spend a long time, everything has to fit your back: work posture, shoes, etc. have to be ideal for you.

Exercise also helps to strengthen and build up your back muscles. Relaxation is important to prevent tension.

Warmth in the back from a hot water bottle, hot shower and full bath relax the back muscles and can relieve tension. A massage is also good. Not only does it relax your muscles, it also relaxes you. And the more relaxed you are, the better!

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