Better To Give Small Gifts As Gifts

Small gifts for those we love do not need special occasions. Every moment is perfect to remind them how much we love them and how important they are in our lives.

Better to give small gifts than gifts

Small attentions build us up, because these unexpected actions come from the heart. Those who prefer small details to large gifts appreciate honesty and do not need any artificial or material tokens of love.

Behind the little attentions there is a lot of psychology that can tell a lot.

Some do not have enough empathy and give away what they can find in order to look good. Others, on the other hand, go to great lengths to decorate the gift beautifully so that the recipient is moved.

Some don’t give gifts, but please those they love all year round with little gifts that don’t  need a special occasion.

This is very enriching, strengthens the bond with the loved one and that is exactly the goal in a relationship with the partner, the children or other loved ones.

Emotional bond is based on details

Small gifts strengthen relationships significantly. Sometimes we make the mistake of waiting for others to do great things for us, to show us their love by doing something that goes against their own essence.

An example of this is parents who expect their children to learn or direct their lives in the direction that they intended for them.

Some expect the partner to meet all expectations in a relationship, but are unwilling to attend to the partner’s needs. That is also a mistake.

  • Emotional attachment is based on respect for the loved one. The space for one’s own freedom and that of the partner, in which he can be admired and respected, must always be preserved.
  • Small daily attentions connect two people who know, respect and appreciate each other without expecting big things from the other. It is in these small details that sincere love becomes apparent.

In small details it is reflected that we know someone and know what that person needs

  • Some believe that they are giving someone the best gift, but only succeed in imposing their own desires and egoism on the loved one.

An example: You are preparing your trip for the weekend. You would like to be alone for a few days to recover from stress and worries. Just before you want to leave, your parents or a friend show up and tell you that they will come with you to cheer you up.

  • Such examples show us that attentions should be a mirror of knowledge and love, but also of respect.

There is reciprocity in attentions

With a little attention there is no selfishness and no blackmail, no ambiguity. They are free gestures because you love someone and you feel loved at the same time.

  • This relationship is balanced and everyone cares about each other’s wellbeing.

We are aware that the best gift is “time”  and that everyone finds a smile, a look, a walk together, a nice afternoon more pleasant than when someone pulls out their credit card.

Attentions don’t need special occasions

It doesn’t have to be a flower every day or a romantic dinner every weekend. Gifts are good for special occasions, but small details can be given away more often, every day if possible!

You are certainly of the same opinion here:  Small gifts should be part of everyday life,  because they make the partner or the loved one happy, they ensure the emotional well-being of our children.

And why do we forget about it so often or do we not attach importance to these details?

  • We fall into everyday life and take things for granted.
  • We tell ourselves that it is not worth it that we already know each other so well that the attentions are only important at the beginning …
  • Sometimes you do without the small details because the partner doesn’t think about them either.

But that’s a mistake. Attentions are rituals that facilitate coexistence, please the heart and give security. The security and the knowledge that we are loved and are important to the other person.

When we feel the relationship has become routine, we should do something about it.

Take the initiative, use your humor to brighten up everyday life. Provide unexpected joys, give the loved one small attentions that will always stay in the emotional memory.

Sometimes the little things can make big, wonderful changes. It’s worth putting this into practice!

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