Cleaning Burnt Pans Quickly – 4 Tips

The time-consuming attempt to clean burnt pans is a thing of the past: all it takes are natural home remedies to remove dirt. Check out the tips below!

Quickly clean burnt pans - 4 tips

The time-consuming attempt to clean burnt pans is a thing of the past. All you need are natural home remedies to remove the dirt. Check out the tips below!

Cleaning burned pans after cooking is quite a hassle. Even if washing-up liquid is helpful, further tips are often required to make your surface shine again.

Above all, it is important to ensure that they are handled correctly, otherwise they will be damaged quickly. Using some scouring pads is therefore not the best option for removing leftover food that cannot be removed with conventional detergents.

So before we scratch the material, let’s learn a few effective home remedies. Your pans will appear flawless again in no time. You will then get to know the 4 best tips!

Simply clean burnt pans

In the future, you will no longer have to struggle with the time-consuming cleaning of burned pans. These tips will help you.

Are you ready to try them out? Let’s go!

1. White wine vinegar and baking soda

Baking soda and white wine vinegar

Both white wine vinegar and baking soda are suitable for various household uses. In this case, they can be used to remove excess residue from the bottom of the pan. As a result, it appears radiantly clean again.

What you need

  • ½ cup white wine vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 2 tbsp baking soda (30 g)


  • First, pour the white wine vinegar into the burnt pan.
  • Then add the water and bring the pan to a boil.
  • Take them off the stove afterwards and add the baking soda. Now you will see how everything foams up.
  • Now wipe everything with a sponge or pan cleaner and remove the remains.
  • If the pan is still sticky, rub dry baking soda on it.

2. Potato and salt

It may sound strange at first, but burnt pans can also be cleaned with a potato and salt.

This “peeling” -like mixture is 100% natural and, thanks to its texture, removes food residues without damaging the surface of your cooking utensils.

What you need

  • a raw potato
  • 1 tbsp salt (10 g)
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil (5 g)


    • First cut the potato in half.
    • Afterwards, rinse the pan and remove the excess food.
    • Then sprinkle them with 1 tablespoon of salt.
    • Then rub them with the halved potato.
    • Now wipe the surface in a circular motion for a few minutes.
    • Remove any remaining residue with water.
    • Lastly, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of olive oil over the surface to protect it.

    3. Salt and aluminum foil

    Aluminum foil

    This tip on using salt and aluminum foil is particularly recommended for cleaning burned stainless steel pans.

    As a result, their surface will not be worn away. At the same time, it makes it possible to remove excess residues that stick after frequent use.

    What you need

    • 1 tbsp salt (10 g)
    • Aluminum foil


    • First, spread 1 tablespoon of salt over the surface of the pan.
    • Then form a ball out of the aluminum foil and use it to scrub over the burned areas.
    • Keep rubbing until the aluminum foil turns dark.
    • Finally, rinse the pan with your usual dish soap.

    4. Baking soda and lemon

    Baking soda and lemon

    Soda as an astringent substance, which creates a superficial layer through protein precipitation, allows the excess to contract and thus easier to remove. It is therefore particularly suitable for cleaning dirty pans.

    Burned areas can be effectively cleaned with a lemon.

    What you need

    • 2 tbsp baking soda (20 g)
    • ½ lemon


    • First, distribute the baking soda in the pan that you want to clean.
    • Then take half a lemon and rub the surface with it.
    • Keep scrubbing for a few minutes until you notice the surface appear shiny.

    Note: If the dark spots in the pan don’t go away, warm them up with a little vinegar beforehand.

    Watch out!

    These tips are not only useful for cleaning burnt pans, but can also be used for pots and other cooking utensils. For example, you can perfectly clean your oven with these home remedies.

    Haven’t you tried them yet? Then you should start right away in order to make burned pans shine again quickly in the future!

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