Correcting Sagging Shoulders

Sagging shoulders can not only cause back problems but also have psychological consequences. For example, it often affects self-esteem and in some cases even leads to depression. Find out today what you can do about it. 

Correct drooping shoulders

Sagging shoulders  are a posture problem that many people suffer from. But this is not just about incorrect posture affecting your back and shoulders. Other parts of the body also often suffer from it. In addition, it should not be forgotten that this can also hide emotional problems and low self-esteem.

Today, learn more about  sagging shoulders  and what you can do about it. We will explain the various factors that lead to this and which exercises are beneficial in treatment. Read on to learn more about it.

Drooping shoulders: how does it come about?

Drooping shoulders: how does it come about?
Sagging shoulders are a common posture problem, but in some cases emotional issues and low self-esteem are also important.

Sagging shoulders are the result of a misalignment in which the shoulders tend to move down and forward while the head is kept too low. Affected people  always seem to be looking at the floor. 

This bad posture not only affects the shoulder area. This often results in a back that is bent forward. As a result, a hunched back (hyperkyphosis) develops over time, which is also known colloquially as a “hump”. The curvature of the upper spine also affects the chest muscles, which shorten, and the neck, which pushes forward.

A straight posture with the correct shoulder position is not only an important health issue. This also reflects your self-esteem!

Many women have complexes about the size of their breasts  and therefore subconsciously try to hide them by pulling their shoulders forward. This is just one example of how psychological factors affect posture. There are many other emotional issues that affect posture. Depression can also lead to it.

One influencing factor that is increasingly leading to postural problems is sitting in front of the computer or other technical equipment for long periods of time. For example, the use of smartphones has an increasing effect on posture.

What are the consequences of sagging shoulders?

This bad posture leads to back pain and sore throat over time. In addition, sagging shoulders do not make a good picture: It makes you look smaller and, moreover, the stomach appears to be bigger than it actually is. It should not be forgotten that a straight posture transmits more security and makes it appear more attractive. 

If you don’t do anything about this bad attitude, you lose flexibility over time. Because this also affects the mobility of the joints and the balance. It can also have negative effects on breathing and digestion. 

It is therefore very important  to correct the incorrect posture, both when sitting and when walking. Remember the importance of walking upright with your head held high. Of course, you always have to pay attention to the correct posture when working at your desk in order to avoid subsequent symptoms.

How can you correct sagging shoulders?

How can you correct sagging shoulders?
Stretching exercises are perfect for correcting the misalignment. This improves the posture of the entire body.

There are numerous exercises that will help you adopt a healthy posture:

  • Pull back shoulder blades: The purpose of this is to pull the shoulder blades back and bring them into the correct position. Bring your shoulders back in a circular motion and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise five times, several times a day if possible.
  • Circling the shoulder blades:  chest out, shoulders back! Similar to the first exercise, try to circle your shoulders and bring them together as close as possible in the back area. Remain in this position for 30 to 40 seconds and repeat the exercise five times. With this you can improve the position of the entire back.
  • Stretching the chest muscles: There are different options here. For example, stand in front of a door and open your arms in a T-shape. Then bend your elbows and lift your forearms to “hold” the door frame. If you take a step back now, you will feel the muscles stretch. Remain in this position for 30 seconds, then repeat the exercise several times.
  • Stretching the back muscles:  Lie on your back on a mat and bring your left knee towards your chest. Remain in this position for several seconds, then repeat the exercise with your right knee. You can also stretch one arm and the opposite leg at the same time. Both exercises help with back pain.

As mentioned earlier,  sagging shoulders can also hide emotional issues or low self-esteem. Shy people, who often suffer from complexes, or people who are depressed, often also have posture problems. In this case, it is of course not only necessary to correct the posture. Rather, it is about treating the causes. In this case, seek help from a psychologist.


If you observe drooping shoulders,  we recommend speaking to a physical therapist who can advise you individually. You need to be aware that this physical problem can cause complications. If there are psychological factors involved, seek advice from a psychologist. It’s never too late to improve your posture!

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