Dancing Is Healthy!

During dance lessons, the brain is challenged and, as a result, new neural connections are established. In contrast to other sports, there is no age limit for dancing.

Dancing is healthy!

Dancing is healthy and a wonderful way for people of all ages to keep fit. Not only is it fun and entertaining, but it also has various health benefits. Read more about it in this article.

Dancing is healthy and can bring joy and fun to a boring life. This type of exercise can do a lot for our emotional, mental, physical, and general health.

When someone decides on a type of exercise or sport, entertainment is usually an important point and dancing is fun and enjoyable.

Health benefits of dancing

Dancing is healthy and good for the heart

Dancing is healthy and a great activity for people living with the ailments of cardiovascular disease.

An Italian study showed that people with heart failure could not only improve their heart performance by dancing regularly.

They were also able to significantly improve their breathing and quality of life compared to cyclists and walkers.

Good for losing weight

If you dance regularly, it will be easier to lose weight.

study by the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found   that aerobic dance training is as good for losing weight as cycling or jogging.

More energy

Do you feel limp and without energy during the day? Dancing can help here too.

The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition published a research study that found that dancing once a week improves physical condition and adults have more energy.

More flexibility and resistance

Dancing sometimes requires great flexibility. Most dance classes start with stretching and flexibility exercises. Dancing also requires exertion to get all muscle movements right.

Dancing is healthy and strengthens the muscles and makes the body more resistant. In many types of dance, such as jazz or ballet, air jumps occur, which demands a lot of strength from the leg muscles.

Dancing is a physical activity that makes us more resistant. Resistance is the ability of muscles to work longer and longer without becoming tired. Regular dancing, especially vigorous dances, contributes to excellent resistance.

Dance for Emotional Health

Dancing makes you happy

Almost everyone feels good when dancing. If you watch others dance, you are sure to see a smiling face. Smiling and laughing are quite normal when dancing, because dancing is fun and joy.

There is no age limit as in other sports. Everyone can dance and benefit from the numerous advantages.

Good against stress and depression

It has been proven that dancing works great against depression and also strengthens self-confidence. More and more adolescents and adults suffer from depression.

A study by the  International Journal of Neuroscience found that dance movement therapy not only helps with depression but also with stress, it regulates serotonin and dopamine levels.

Since dancing is a social activity, it is also ideal for combating feelings of loneliness, which often occur in older people who live alone.

More self-confidence

Dancing also helps build confidence. Every time you learn a new dance step, you trust yourself more and feel more comfortable. This affects all life situations.

Various studies have shown that the relationships with friends that arise while dancing also contribute to strengthening self-confidence and a positive attitude.

When you dance you get to know a lot of people, self-confidence and social skills are strengthened. Exercise also reduces stress and tension, so you will generally feel much more comfortable.

Good for mental fitness

Good for your memory

According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine , dancing can also help prevent dementia. Aerobic exercise can reverse the loss of volume in the hippocampus.

This part of the brain controls our memory. The hippocampus shrinks naturally in adults, which often leads to memory problems and sometimes dementia.

Against Alzheimer’s

A study of seniors published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that dancing often can prevent Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, and even improve mental performance.

It has also been shown that some people with Alzheimer’s are able to remember forgotten events when they dance to music they used to know.

More intelligence

For centuries there have been various writings on the health benefits of dance as a physical activity. Recent studies have also found that it can be used to increase intelligence.

The essence of intelligence is making decisions. In order to improve mental acuity, activities are recommended that require quick decisions (seconds). Because this is how intelligence is promoted and not just memorization.

In dance classes you can train your brain and build new neuronal pathways. In difficult dances, your neural networks are particularly improved.

What kind of music is best?

There are also many different styles of dance, jazz, salsa, merengue, bachata, reggaeton, zumba hip-hop, ballet, modern dance, etc. All of them are recommended.

Every dance contributes to a healthy life. Decide for yourself which type you enjoy the most and practice regularly to reap the health benefits.

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