Drinking Water Properly To Promote Health

Not only the amount is important, the right time and form should also be taken into account.

Drink water properly to promote health

You keep hearing that enough water is good for your health – but what is the best way to drink it?

Not only is the amount important, the timing and shape should also be considered. In this post, you will learn more about the healthy habit of drinking water.

Vital water

Water forms part of the important body fluids (urine, sweat, stool, digestive juices, saliva, tears, etc.), and it is necessary  for the normal functioning of the body’s cells.

Water is not only supplied to the organism through drinking, all food contains the giver of life, especially fruit and vegetables.


Which water is recommended?

If the tap water is of good quality, it is always the healthiest, cheapest and most environmentally friendly source. However, it is important that the water quality is good not only at the source but also after it has flowed through the pipes.

An alternative to this are  water bottles from the trade,  where you should also pay attention to quality. Even  filtered or osmotic filter jugs  are a good choice. It shouldn’t have a special smell or taste.

Which amount is recommended?

In general  , it is recommended to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day – that is between 6 and 8 glasses. With the following tips, this is not difficult at all.

However, it is also important to consider the various circumstances: more water is recommended in summer than in winter, those who do  sports also need more fluids, etc.

You can slowly start increasing your water consumption:  For example, try to drink half a glass more than usual every second or third day until you reach 8 glasses a day. You will soon feel the health benefits for yourself.

You will probably feel fitter, the complexion will improve, you will sweat more, etc. With enough water you will help your organism to excrete pollutants and promote general health.


On an empty stomach!

The best time is in the morning on an empty stomach. You can drink up to four glasses before breakfast  – always slowly and without compulsion. You can gradually increase the amount until the body demands it itself.

This is how you activate all internal organs in the morning. It is also important to pay attention to the correct temperature:

  • If you are prone to constipation, hot water is recommended.
  • If you are more prone to diarrhea, fresh (never completely cold) water is advisable.
  • In general, lukewarm water (room temperature) is recommended.

Before lunch

If you’re trying to eat less and slowly,  just have a glass about 15 minutes before you eat, this will keep you from feeling as hungry.

Better not to eat water

You should drink only a little with food , as  the mixture with the food and digestive juices can make digestion difficult.

If the food is very tasty, the need to drink automatically arises – but it is better to drink before eating. Fresh foods (salads, gazpacho, etc.) can also reduce the need to drink while eating.

It is also better to avoid liquids immediately after eating .  However, an herbal tea after eating is recommended.


In the evening

It’s also a good idea to have a drink before going to bed – as long as it doesn’t mean you have to get up at night to go to the bathroom, which would disturb your sleep.

Tips to Drink More Water

  • You can of course prepare a flavored drink with flowers, fruits and herbs.
  • Herbal teas are also highly recommended.
  • A homemade lemonade with water, lemon juice, fresh mint and a little stevia also tastes delicious.
  • Always take a water bottle with you, it should always be available at home so that you don’t forget to drink.

Images provided by zsoltika, neil-farnworth and Gabriele Diwald

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