Energy-rich Fruits And Vegetables For The Morning

These fruits and vegetables are characterized by a lot of energy , so it is recommended to eat them in the morning and avoid them in the evening.

Energy-rich fruits and vegetables for the morning

In general, fruits and vegetables are very high-energy and nutritious for every dish. However, there are certain varieties that activate the human organism, while others have more calming properties suitable for the evening.

In this article we explain which fruits and vegetables should not be missing for the morning and lunch, especially during a stressful phase or when we are feeling exhausted.


Oranges are something very special. It is not without reason that they are often taken as juice in the morning. The  orange is a fruit that absorbs a lot of solar energy on the tree. It is not very suitable in the afternoon or evening as it can interfere with night sleep.

It is best to eat oranges as juice or whole at least 15 minutes before breakfast. This fruit is even more energetic if it is served in slices with a little cinnamon, ginger and a little honey. This combination is just heavenly.


Figs are high in healthy natural sugars that are quick to add energy. However, if figs are eaten in the evening, this energy cannot be used properly and leads to unnecessary weight gain.

A great benefit of figs is that they help prevent constipation. This is because they have a large amount of fiber. In the morning they activate our intestinal functions. Figs can be eaten fresh or as a dried fruit.

But they can also be briefly baked in the oven with a little honey and filled with a walnut . Well worth trying this really delicious and nutritious breakfast!



The banana is a type of fruit, but because of its nutrients it is equated with potatoes, bread or pasta. That is why they should be consumed in the morning and not as a dessert or even in the evening.

The banana is ideal for a shake with milk (plant-based milk can also be used) and cocoa or juice for breakfast.

The result is simply delicious and is really great for starting the day with an energy boost without the need for flour products or excess sugar, because the banana itself is sweet enough.


The  avocado is a type of fruit and is suitable for morning use. There is hardly any other food that is as nutritious as this fruit. It contains proteins, vegetable fats, carbohydrates and the health-promoting essential fatty acids.

So it is completely sufficient to take this with a little salt and oil or even with a little honey to have an energetic breakfast. The avocado can also be added to fruit shakes. This makes them much creamier. And this fruit tastes wonderful as a spread.


Vegetables for the morning: germs

Seed sprouts or sprouts of dried fruits are known to everyone. They are sold in health food stores, diet stores, or supermarkets, although they can be easily made at home by keeping the seeds moist for a few days.

Germs are very nutritious because they contain numerous vitamins and minerals. Best of all, they are still growing and energized as you eat them.

For this reason, they mean a strong reserve boost for us. You can eat them alone or in shakes or toasts. We particularly recommend alfalfa or lentil germ.



Leafy green is one of the vegetables to eat in the morning or at noon. He gives us just as much energy. Therefore it should not be missing in shakes, on bread or as a side dish. If spinach is fresh, it tastes great.

The shakes get an intense green color, but this will not affect the taste. The intake of vitamins and minerals is very high, as spinach is rich in magnesium and calcium, among other things.

Of course, other types of leaf greens are also possible, such as B. rocket, cress or lamb’s lettuce. Each variety has a special taste and enables us to have a varied breakfast in the morning.

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