Faster Healing After Bone Fracture

Comfrey supports the formation of new bones at the fracture site, which is due in particular to the active ingredients allantoin and rosmarinic acid it contains. 

Faster healing after broken bones

After a  broken bone, there are several things  you can do to help it heal.

The first way, of course, is to go to the hospital or to the doctor to analyze the  bone fracture  and treat it properly. Basically, you should always follow your doctor’s instructions.

At home, you can then use additional natural remedies to help the injured bone heal.

Comfrey for healthy bones

Comfrey has a very positive effect on the bones. This plant has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, among other things.

Comfrey supports the formation of new bones at the fracture site, which is due in particular to the active ingredients allantoin and rosmarinic acid it contains.

It is a medicinal plant that is only used externally. Comfrey ingestion is poisonous and harmful to the liver.

However, there is a homeopathic medicine made from comfrey: Symphytum 15CH.

You can put 3 pellets under your tongue every two hours on the first day. At the same time, avoid intense aromas such as mint (in chewing gum, toothpaste …).

On the following days, it is recommended to take 3 pellets three times a day.

There are two options for external use :

  1. Envelope with green clay mixed with a comfrey tea. Let this poultice sit on the broken bone for half an hour. It’s best to use this treatment once a day.
  2. You can also make a paste from the root of the plant and apply it directly to the curd.
Comfrey against broken bones

Bamboo (Bambou-Tabashir) for broken bones

Bamboo contains a high proportion of Silicea (silica), which is essential for the healing of bones.

After a bone fracture, the bone can be strengthened with it. You can buy this remedy from the pharmacy or health food store.

Mineral diet

Eating the right diet can also help your bones heal. Certain minerals that play an important role in building bone mass are crucial.

The following minerals should not be missing in your diet:


Milk and dairy products are high in calcium, but studies have shown that it is not absorbed well by the adult body.

Include the following foods in your diet:

  • Nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts …), unsalted
  • Blackcurrant
  • Figs
  • coconut
  • garlic
  • onion
  • Apple
  • pear
  • mango
  • Bananas
  • avocado
Eat a lot of figs if you have broken bones


  • oatmeal
  • salad
  • asparagus
  • Whole grain cereals
  • pumpkin
  • potato
  • peach
  • Peas
  • lenses
  • Plums
  • Nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts)


  • Legumes (beans, peas …)
  • Plums
  • Apricots
  • Bananas
  • avocado


  • Horsetail
  • avocado
  • alfalfa
  • Brown rice
  • onion
  • Whole grain oat flakes
  • cucumber
  • leek
  • Beetroot
  • cheese
Horsetail with broken bones

Organic silicon in liquid form is also recommended , a dietary supplement that restructures the bones and promotes mobility and elasticity of the joints.

In addition to these minerals, there are other nutrients that are also essential for bone healing:

Vitamin D

Without vitamin D, the bones cannot absorb calcium or magnesium.

The organism can synthesize vitamin D itself through a short daily sunbathing. However, avoid lunchtime with intense sunlight to protect your skin.

Also,  eggs and fatty fish (sardines, herring, salmon, tuna) provide vitamin D.  Your doctor can decide whether possibly a dietary supplement makes sense.

Omega-3 fatty acids

  • Oily fish
  • Eggs
  • butter
  • raw nuts (without salt)
  • Linseed


Protein is not only obtained from meat, fish and eggs. The following vegetable protein sources are also recommended:

  • legumes
  • Alfalfa sprouts
  • avocado
  • raw nuts (without salt)
  • Spirulina

    Be careful with these foods

    These foods draw minerals from the body, so they should be avoided as much as possible, at least during the recovery process.

    • Too much animal protein
    • alcohol
    • tobacco
    • White sugar
    • coffee
    • Soft drinks and sodas
    • finished products
    • Fried foods
    • Salted foods
    • Bran because it inhibits the absorption of calcium. Whole grain products are recommended, but products that contain fiber should be avoided or not consumed with foods rich in calcium.
    • Vegetables with oxalates (spinach, beetroot) should not be consumed in combination with foods rich in calcium.

    Images courtesy of Matt Lavin and gregoirevdb

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