Greek Yogurt And Its Benefits

Yogurt was invented by the accidental fermentation of milk caused by bacteria. This probably happened because fresh milk was transported in goatskin bags.

Greek yogurt and its benefits

You can find yoghurt in every supermarket and there is a whole range of varieties. Greek yogurt plays a special role because of its many good properties.

The exact origin of yogurt is unknown. There are theories according to which it was invented in Eastern Europe around 4,500 years ago.

Greek yogurt  contains, among other things:

    • protein
    • Lipids
    • carbohydrates
    • Vitamins
    • Minerals

These ingredients improve the absorption of food because they stimulate digestion.

But what exactly is Greek yogurt anyway? With its white color, creamy consistency and a slightly sour smell, it is reminiscent of a mixture of cream and cottage cheese.

Its increased protein content will keep us full for a long time.

It is made by pressing regular yogurt until the moisture escapes. That is why it is thicker and contains less sugar than other types of yogurt.


Greek yogurt is suitable for people with lactose intolerance


Greek yogurt contains less lactose than other dairy products.

Why? Live cultures are used in fermentation, which converts lactose to lactic acid. It can be processed better by the body.

Nevertheless, it is advisable to consider the severity of the lactose intolerance on an individual basis. Some people may experience symptoms with Greek yogurt as well.

It is good for your digestion

Greek yogurt contains fewer carbohydrates than other types of yogurt.

It also contains probiotic bacteria that keep the digestive tract healthy.


Like other dairy products, yogurt supplies the body with calcium.

  • In this way, it prevents diseases such as osteoporosis and other bone ailments. Calcium strengthens bones and helps absorb nutrients.
  • Calcium is also important for the nervous and muscular systems. This is why we get cramps or numb fingers when we are calcium deficient.

He helps you lose weight

Depending on which type you choose, Greek yogurt is very low in fat. It also contains a lot of protein.

  • Low-fat Greek yogurt is low in sugar and therefore low in calories.
  • Protein ensures a long feeling of satiety. This is how you avoid cravings for foods high in carbohydrates.
Lose weight

When you eat Greek yogurt, your body makes more white blood cells. They help fight bacteria and viruses.

In addition, probiotic bacteria in yogurt help maintain the intestinal flora. In this way, harmful influences are directly warded off.

It lowers the cholesterol level

Greek yogurt is a natural way to lower high cholesterol.

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus is a benign type of bacteria that prevents cholesterol from building up in the body.

    Greek or regular yogurt – which is better?

    Greek yogurt

    The next time you stand in front of the refrigerated shelf, consider the benefits of Greek yogurt:

    • It is high in protein, more than 6 g per 100 g. That is twice as much as normal yogurt.
    • The manufacturing process also means that it contains little lactose, which means fewer carbohydrates and sugar.
    • You can easily use it for cooking and replace other ingredients because it doesn’t curdle in the heat.
    • If it is made without gelatin, it is suitable for vegetarians.

    All types of yogurt are good for the body. However, we recommend that you buy organic yogurt and also make sure that it does not contain any preservatives, colorings, or flavorings.

    One serving (220 g) of yoghurt contains 25% more calcium than a glass of milk.

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