Healthy Nail Care With 5 Natural Creams

If we want to benefit as much as possible from the properties of the creams presented here, we should apply them before going to bed. At the same time, we have to pay attention to a healthy diet in order to also strengthen our nails from the inside

Healthy nail care with 5 natural creams

Our nails are exposed to a multitude of environmental factors that are troubling to them all day long. The nails then tend to be brittle, tear and discolored. Hence, proper nail care is very important.

Many women, in particular, attach great importance to nail care , because they have recognized that hands and nails are often the first business card we give others. Our nails say a lot about our personality.

The good news is that there is no need to invest large sums of money in adequate nail care and expensive visits to the nail salon are no longer necessary.

There are very inexpensive, natural alternatives that can also be used to strengthen the nails. They stimulate healthy nail growth and lead to beautiful fingernails.

At this point we would like to encourage you to create your own creams for the care of nails and cuticles. They offer you purity, moisture, and nutrients at a very affordable price.

Are you ready?

1. Emollient cream for nail care


If you include the cuticle in the nail care routine and soften it a little, you will ease its blood flow and thus stimulate nail growth.

It is recommended to soften the cuticles with a cream and then push them back with a wooden stick under gentle pressure.


  • 3 teaspoons of shea butter (15 g)
  • 1 tbsp glycerine (15 ml)
  • 1 tbsp almond oil (15 ml)
  • Cotton wool

What should I do?

  • Melt the shea butter in a water bath and mix it in the liquid state with glycerine and almond oil.
  • Then let the mixture cool down a bit.
  • Dip a cotton ball in the moisturizing cream and then use it to apply it to the cuticle in circular, lightly massaging movements.

2. A cream that promotes nail growth

The problem of unhealthy and poorly growing nails is very widespread and, moreover, often cannot be solved with ordinary nail care.

Therefore, for all suffering afflicted we at this point in front of a cream that the D promotes urchblutung in the nail bed and begins here to strengthen the structure of the nails.


  • 1 tbsp castor oil (15 ml)
  • 1 tbsp glycerine (15 ml)
  • 2 drops of vitamin E.
  • Cotton wool

What should I do?

  • Mix all ingredients in a clean container to form a homogeneous cream.
  • Apply this to your nails and cuticles and allow them to be fully absorbed.

3. A cream to strengthen the nails and cuticles


This cream for strengthening nails and cuticles achieves its effect through a deep supply of moisture. This improves the nail quality and healthy growth can begin.


  • 1 tbsp beeswax (15 g)
  • 1 tbsp castor oil (15 ml)
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil

What should I do?

  • Place a bowl in the water bath and melt the beeswax in it. Then add the castor oil.
  • Stir well often so that both ingredients integrate well.
  • You can add the lavender oil to the lukewarm mixture.
  • It is best to keep the finished mixture in a glass jar until you use it. Here you can take a small amount and apply it to your nails and cuticles if you want to do nail care. Let the cream soak in well.

4. A cream to harden the nails

If the nails are too soft or brittle, prone to drying out and cracking, then this cream is for you.

Using them regularly prevents damage to the nail structure as it hardens the nails.


  • 2 tbsp olive oil (30 ml)
  • 2 tbsp almond oil (30 ml)

What should I do?

  • Mix the two oils together, put them in a suitable container and warm them up in a water bath. They should then blend into a homogeneous mixture.
  • Then let the mixture cool down.
  • Then you can apply it to your fingernails with a cotton ball or brush.
  • For good results, this treatment should be repeated every night before bed.

5. Invigorating cream for nail care


The aloe vera gel provides a lot of moisture and is also able to supply the deeper layers of the nails with nutrients. This stimulates the growth of strong, no longer brittle nails.

In this recipe we combine it with a little olive oil, which increases the moisturizing effect and hardens the nails at the same time .


  • 1 tbsp aloe vera gel (10 g)
  • 3 drops of olive oil

What should I do?

  • Get the aloe vera gel from a leaf and mix it with the olive oil to form a homogeneous cream.
  • Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and then use it to apply it to your nails in the form of a gentle massage.

One final recommendation

While all of these creams can help ensure that you have beautiful and strong nails, you must not forget that some additional measures are necessary to get the maximum benefit from their effects.

Manicure regularly, drink plenty of water, and also keep a healthy, balanced diet.

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