Hemp Milk: Everything You Need To Know

So-called hemp milk is a herbal drink. It mainly consists of just a mixture of ground hemp seeds and water. You can use it as a substitute for cow’s milk. Hemp milk is also suitable for vegans.

Hemp milk: everything you need to know

In stores you can find the so-called hemp milk as drinking hemp or hemp drink. Because according to EU law, the word “milk” can actually only be used for animal products. Hemp milk is a drink of high nutritional value and contains large amounts of vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The taste is somewhat reminiscent of walnuts and is slightly bitter. Therefore, you can sweeten them with sugar or sweeteners as you like.

This plant-based milk is an interesting alternative for people who are lactose intolerant or who are vegans.

Nutritional values ​​of the hemp milk

Hemp milk is an ideal nutritional supplement for everyone who wants to include more proteins, vitamins and minerals in their diet. This herbal drink consists mainly of the seeds of industrial hemp. This includes all varieties of hemp (genus cannabis) that are grown for commercial use. That means their consumption is legal and strictly regulated.

Below you will find information about the percentage of nutrients that hemp milk contains:

  • First of all, the high content of essential fatty acids should be mentioned (40%): These are those fatty acids that the body cannot produce itself. Therefore he has to get them from external sources. Particularly noteworthy is the high content of omega 3, omega 6 and gamma linolenic acid.
  • In addition, hemp milk also has a high proportion of vegetable protein (35%): and this contains all essential amino acids in a percentage similar to that of animal protein sources. So like meat, milk or eggs.
  • It is also high in fiber (6%): this is very beneficial for digestion.
  • Hemp milk also contains a lot of vitamin E : and that is a powerful natural antioxidant.
  • And last but not least, it is rich in essential minerals : These include phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc and magnesium.

    On the other hand , hemp milk contains only small amounts of :

    • Carbohydrates (10%)
    • Vitamins A, B and C.
    • Calcium and manganese

    Positive properties of hemp milk

    Hemp seeds

    This plant-based milk contains essential nutrients and vitamins

    As you have already seen in the previous section, hemp milk is very rich in nutrients that are important for the organism. These include phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron or zinc. These minerals are important for muscle contraction, the maintenance of bones and some biochemical processes in the nervous system, among other things.

    The vitamin E it also contains is an important antioxidant for cardiovascular health.

    Regulation of the intestinal tract and cholesterol

    As already mentioned, hemp seeds are used to make this herbal drink. The high fiber content of these seeds favors the regulation of the intestinal tract and prevents problems such as constipation.

    In addition, the positive effects of hemp milk on cholesterol levels and blood pressure should also be mentioned. Because the hemp fiber prevents the absorption of LDL (the so-called bad cholesterol).

    In which case should you not eat milk made from hemp seeds?

    The consumption of hemp milk in conjunction with some other substances can lead to a reduction in platelets under certain circumstances. Therefore, people who have blood clotting problems or who are taking certain medications are better off consulting their doctor for advice before consuming this drink.

    In addition, due to its high fiber content, if consumed in excess, hemp milk can also cause diarrhea, stomach pain or gas.

    Recipe: This is how you can make hemp milk yourself

    Hemp milk and hemp seeds

    In fact, you can easily make hemp milk yourself. It can be kept for up to three days under ideal conditions . To do this, you should keep it in a cool, dry place and it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The manufacturing process is similar to that for other plant-based drinks, such as almond or soy milk.


    • 150 grams of hemp seeds
    • 1 liter of water
    • Sugar or natural sweetener (such as honey, stevia, cinnamon, or dates)
    • A pinch of salt


    • First you soak the hemp seeds in a liter of water for about two hours.
    • After this time has elapsed, you then chop everything up with a mixer or blender. It is advisable to do this process with smaller portions. Because this way it is easier for you to achieve a liquid with an even consistency.
    • Then strain the resulting drink with the help of a very fine sieve or a cloth made of vegetable matter. The part that remains in the sieve can be used to make muesli, cookies, bread or other pastries.
    • Now you add a pinch of salt. And you can sweeten the whole thing a little as you like.
    • Finally, you fill the milk in a bottle. Your hemp milk is now ready to be consumed!

    Like other herbal drinks, hemp milk is very versatile. For example, you can use them as a basis for shakes, desserts and sauces. In combination with fruit, low-fat cheese and some whole grain muesli, it makes a nutritious and wholesome breakfast or snack.

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