How Cucumber And Aloe Vera Can Moisturize Your Skin

You don’t have to use expensive perfumery face masks to moisturize your skin

How cucumber and aloe vera can hydrate your skin

The better your skin is moisturized, the plumper and wrinkle-free it looks. There are of course many creams, tinctures and serums that provide your skin with moisture. But you can also take care of your skin with herbal remedies such as cucumber and aloe vera.

Loss of moisture

The skin loses moisture and can only store it poorly with increasing age. It feels dry, tense and, in addition to the deeper indented wrinkles, there are also small wrinkles caused by dryness. Cucumber and aloe vera can help

The skin is thirsty. Of course, the cosmetics industry has a few remedies and helpers ready. Mother Nature has also taken care of this fall and has some plants available for you and your changing skin. For example cucumber and aloe vera.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is known for its excellent nourishing effects and healing properties on the skin. You should either have an aloe vera plant on the windowsill or a pure (!) Aloe vera gel at hand. This plant  can be used in many ways in skin care.

Basically, it donates an incredible amount of moisture. Their nourishing ingredients also ensure that wounds or other skin injuries or skin irritations such as sunburns heal faster.

If you own an aloe vera in the garden, winter garden or on the balcony, you can make a great moisturizing mask yourself.

cucumber mask


Cucumbers provide rich moisture and supply the skin with external minerals. A cucumber mask is a classic among moisturizing masks. Oily skin in particular needs to be supplied with moisture and not with additional fat.

Cucumber in combination with healing clay is a perfect alliance to give oily, pimple-prone skin exactly what it needs. A cucumber and healing clay mask is also great in summer. It cools, but still stimulates the blood circulation in the skin without heating the face.

Application of cucumber and aloe vera

You don’t need much to do your skin good! Get fresh aloe vera leaves or cut them from your own plant on the balcony or terrace. In the vegetable section you will find the second ingredient: fresh cucumber!

Aloe vera (2)

Pure aloe vera as a face mask

Use a large knife to cut thin slices of the aloe piece and place them over your face. Let the aloe slices work for at least 30 minutes and relax with an audio book, for example.

Remove the aloe slices, but do not wash your face! If you don’t have an aloe plant available, you can of course also buy 100% aloe vera gel in the pharmacy. This can also be used as a moisturizing mask.


Cucumber and aloe vera against wrinkles around the eyes

The thin skin around the eyes is particularly difficult to store moisture and therefore always needs an extra helping of care from the outside. Aloe Vera is ideal because it is quickly absorbed and provides natural moisture.

It  does not irritate the mucous membranes in the eye or the sensitive skin around the eye. If you have an aloe vera plant, cut off a piece of the thick-fleshed leaf and carefully peel off the hard, green outer skin.

The resulting light green jelly-like core is the part of the aloe vera that contains the active ingredients that your skin is waiting for. Simply apply the gel thinly around the eyes in the morning and in the evening and you will see how your fine creases in the eye area flatten!


Cucumber moisturizing mask

Puree a piece of cucumber into a very fine pulp, like a smoothie or thick juice. This works best with a hand blender or stand mixer / blender.

If you remove the watery part of the cucumber that contains the seeds before pureeing, you will get a more spreadable texture. Spread the cucumber purée on your face and let it sit there for at least 15 minutes. Wash off with cold, clear water.

Healing earth

Cucumber mask with healing clay

You should have a hand blender or stand mixer to make this mask. You need fresh cucumber juice – and you can’t buy it! If possible, use an organic cucumber, as you should use the cucumber with the peel.

The organic cucumber does not have any pesticides. After all, the cucumber and healing clay mask is only supposed to detoxify your skin – and not the cucumber!

Healing clay makes no difference between poisons and pollutants, but has only a limited absorption capacity that you should use for your skin and not for the cucumber. You need a piece of fresh cucumber (nice and cool from the fridge!) And some healing earth.

Puree a piece of cucumber into a very fine pulp, like a smoothie or thick juice. Mix enough cucumber juice with the healing clay to create a spreadable mask that can be applied thickly without running off the face.

Apply the mask to your face (or another part of your body) and let it dry completely there. Depending on how thick you applied the mask, this can take up to 10 minutes!

You will see how your hyperactive sebum glands (if you have oily skin) leave small dark spots on the dried mask!

Now wash the completely dried out mask from the skin together with the harmful substances it contains. You do not need any other cleaning products such as soap or shower gel, your skin is already pore-deep clean and degreased!

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