How Do I Find The Best Date For The Wedding?

The correct date for the wedding is an important question for many future brides. How do you decide on the right date?

How do I find the best date for the wedding?

In order to find the right date for the wedding, you have to consider more than you initially think. The date should be perfect for the bride, but often correlates with external circumstances, the weather or opening times.

How do you find the best wedding date ? We have put together the most important points that you should be aware of.

There is no such thing as the best date for a wedding

Even if you think you have found the best date for the wedding, there will still be a reason for one or the other person why that is not the case. When setting the date for the wedding, try to take into account as many circumstances as possible in advance.

In the following we have summarized a few points that you absolutely have to pay attention to when setting the date for the wedding .

Not every point is just as important for every bridal couple, so weigh up what are important decision-making criteria for you personally.

Note the following points:

Your personal dream day

Maybe you want to get married on the same date you met? Or maybe the date of your first kiss, engagement date, or any other special date that has a strong, personal meaning to you.

Is this date suitable for the wedding? Unfortunately, this is usually not the case, because the following additional points must be taken into account when setting the date for the wedding:

Set the date for the wedding

Date for the wedding: take into account the season

Making the day of engagement or first kiss a wedding anniversary isn’t always smart. If this day falls at the beginning of November, for example , it does not fit into any plans for a summer wedding with a sleeveless wedding dress outdoors.

But winter weddings can also be great if the location fits and you use it to organize a fairytale wedding in snow and ice.


If your personal preferred date is a Sunday, it will be difficult to find an open registry office or a registrar who will marry you on Sunday.

If you get married abroad, it may be that Sunday is a working day there, but another weekday, e.g. Friday, is handled like a Sunday.

Date for the wedding


The best date for the wedding is of no use if the location in which you want to celebrate is already booked out. Popular locations are usually booked up for wedding celebrations a year in advance.

The sooner you ask, the more likely it is that you will still get your desired date.

If not, think about what is more important: a special date or a great party in a dream location?

Important guests

If you want a certain friend to be the best man or a certain friend to be the bridesmaid, then clarify the possible dates with these friends as well.

Perhaps a friend is pregnant and is likely to give birth in time? Perhaps grandma, grandpa or another important relative made an appointment for an operation at the time?

Maybe school holidays and the flower girls are on vacation? Or does the date hit a family member because it happened to be the anniversary of the death of another loved one?

Do other large family celebrations such as christenings, gold weddings, anniversaries or special birthdays happen just before or after? Clarify such things in advance.

Saving helps save money every month

Wedding date: consider finances

Especially if the celebration is to take place abroad or not in your city, for example on the beach, it is advisable to set the date in the off-season.

Hotel rooms are then much cheaper and the arrival and departure to your wedding is cheaper and more relaxed outside of the main travel season.


Women who use hormonal contraception can arrange the date for the wedding flexibly because they can also take their cycle into their own hands. However, future brides who do not want to control this should make sure that the date for the wedding falls on a suitable week.

What use is the most beautiful party if the bride is struggling with abdominal pain, water retention, headaches and bleeding? The wedding night is only once in your life (we hope), so it is important to take this into account.

No matter which date you ultimately choose, it will be a unique day either way. The date is actually just a minor matter that fades the longer you are married to each other.

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