How Noise Pollution Affects Our Health

Loud, stressful stimuli have a negative effect on the immune system, among other things. However, too much noise has not only physical but also psychological consequences. Find out more on this topic in today’s article. 

How noise pollution affects our health

We are exposed to noise pollution more and more often and for longer . Most of the time we are not even aware of it: however, road traffic, leisure noise (e.g. loud music), noise at work and other acoustic stresses affect our quality of life.

It is therefore important to know the effects, identify sources of noise and then keep them as low as possible in order to influence our well-being as little as possible. 

Noise pollution

Noise pollution is harmful to health
Noise pollution can have serious health consequences.

Anyone who is exposed to strong noise pollution  day in and day out  will feel the health consequences over time. But what is the effect of continuous acoustic exposure? 

A study carried out by three major European organizations describes noise as “the emission of energy produced by vibrations that are recognized by the ear and make it feel uncomfortable.” This sensation arises especially when the noises arise out of context and we are not used to them.

You now know the difference between a sound or a tone and noise. The noise level determines when these unpleasant noises are harmful to health. 

Noise pollution: a global problem

Indeed, noise pollution is a global public health concern of concern.

This is why the European Union has set itself the goal of reducing noise pollution to the levels recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) by 2020. This means that the noise level should be reduced to a maximum of 85 dB during working hours of 8 hours. 

The WHO also points out that excessive noise exposure during leisure time is an important cause of acquired deafness:  Loud music in discos, at concerts or other events, as well as listening to loud music (with headphones) over a long period of time have a very negative effect Hearing off. It is therefore essential to set the volume to the correct level when listening to music.

But the effects of noise pollution go far beyond hearing loss. Acoustic stimuli also affect physical and emotional wellbeing to a much greater extent than we imagine.

So then learn more about the health effects of constantly increasing noise levels:

5 Effects of noise pollution

1. Deafness due to noise pollution

While this noise consequence is worrying, it is not the only one, as you will see in a moment.

Anyone who is exposed to loud sources of noise at work for a long time, for example, runs the risk of losing hearing and becoming hard of hearing or completely deaf over time. Noise affects the transmission of sound in the outer ear area or in the middle ear, as the auditory cells are damaged. 

At the same time, hearing loss often leads to  nervousness, depression, discrimination, reduced academic or professional performance and isolation. It is therefore essential to keep noise pollution as low as possible.

2. Sleep disturbances due to noise pollution

Troubled sleep and tiredness from noise pollution
Noise pollution also affects our sleep quality!

Ambient noise is one of the most common causes of nocturnal awakenings. As a result, it can lead to insomnia and lack of sleep, as the sleep pattern is impaired.

When night awakening becomes chronic,  it also manifests itself in mood swings, a lack of concentration, and decreased performance. In addition, of course, sleep disorders also have serious effects on the waking state.

3. Noise pollution has a negative effect on the circulatory system

Constant noise increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This increases the risk of angina pectoris or a heart attack. High blood pressure is also more likely if you are constantly exposed to noise.

At a noise level of over 65 dB or acute noise exposure of 80 to 85 dB, heart disease can occur in the long term.

This is  because loud noises trigger biological stress  and the organism then activates hormones, which in turn increase blood pressure and heart rate.

4. Noise nuisance leads to stress and irritability

Stress is the body’s response to external challenges. If this situation lasts for a long time, it will damage your health. In addition, noise-induced stress is also associated with disorders of the hormonal and immune systems.

Further side effects of acoustic exposure are disturbed learning processes, memory problems and difficulties in solving problems. It  also increases irritability and tends to be more aggressive.

5. Impairment of the immune system

cold woman
Among other things, noise affects the immune system, which makes you more susceptible to illness.

The immune system needs enough energy to function properly. But stress puts the whole organism in a state of alarm, which also demands great effort from the body. When stress becomes chronic, the immune system appears to be weakened.

As you can see, noise has a variety of effects, which in turn  lead to other side effects. A weakened immune system opens the doors for viruses and bacteria that attack the organism. You will then have an easy game. Therefore, those affected are far more susceptible to various diseases.

How can you reduce the effects of noise pollution?

You now know how damaging too much noise is to your health. Now is the time to identify and reduce noise sources. The following measures can help you:

  • Even if you like listening to music,  the volume should always be kept within limits. Don’t forget that otherwise, your hearing will suffer badly.
  • If you’re going to a concert, disco, or party,  keep several meters away from the sound source.
  • If your house, apartment, or job is near sources of strong noise,  use earmuffs if necessary!
  • The noise around you should never exceed 100 dB.
  • Also, avoid very noisy household appliances, machines, or tools.
  • Never listen to music with headphones for more than 1 hour.

Follow this advice to keep your hearing. If you experience any difficulties, you should have a specialist examine you as soon as possible! 

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