Information About Bleaching Creams And How To Use Them

Skin spots look ugly and make you old, but there are various bleaching creams that can reduce them. Do you want to know more about it?

Information about whitening creams and how to use them

The sun, hormonal changes, increasing age and many other factors often cause unsightly spots that affect the complexion. This is why  bleaching creams  for clearing these spots are very popular.

In most cases, these pigment spots are completely harmless and only bother for purely cosmetic reasons. Who doesn’t want flawless, smooth and regular skin? If you decide to use a lightening cream, it is very important to use it correctly. Be sure to get advice from your dermatologist!

Things to Know About Whitening Creams

Things to Know About Whitening Creams 
Lightening creams contain certain substances that reduce pigmentation marks.

Bleaching creams for reducing pigment spots contain active ingredients that break down and remove melanin and inhibit the further production of melanin. At the same time, they give the skin moisture and promote cell regeneration. 

An article in the NHS Foundation Trust shows that they usually contain a combination of drugs such as hydroquinone, retinoids and cortisone. Each of these three substances affects the skin in different ways:

  • Hydroquinone or hydroquinone monobenzyl ether: This substance inhibits the excessive production of melanocytes (pigment cells).
  • Retinoids:  such as triton and retinoic acid, which promote cell regeneration. They also favor the absorption of hydroquinone.
  • Corticosteroids:  They have the ability to reduce and prevent skin swelling. The most common example is hydrocortisone.

In addition to the active ingredients already mentioned, lightening creams can contain vitamin C, kojic acid, adapalene (also a retinoid) or azelaic acid. In addition  , some of these creams are also made with plant extracts such as bearberry, arbutin, liquorice, chamomile or mulberry. 

How to use whitening creams

It is important to know that these creams do not have an immediate effect. Treating skin spots is a challenge that takes time. It is best to seek advice from your dermatologist, as not all creams are recommended. He can also tell you about other options.

To get good results  , these products must be used consistently. The effects can normally only be seen after 6 to 12 months. It is best to use lightening creams once or twice a day.

Whitening creams: how to use

  • First, apply a fine layer of the lightening cream to the skin spots, ideally  twice a day or according to the dermatologist’s instructions.
  • Before and after using the product, it is important to wash your hands well and avoid contact with other areas of the skin. Direct skin contact with others should also be avoided for an hour after use.
  • Do not use the cream near or near the eyes or on the eyelids. Specific products are available for these areas.
  • It is also not recommended to apply the product if there are scratches, pimples, or burns.

Sun protection: the perfect addition

Whitening creams and sunscreens
Sun protection is essential as a preventive measure against skin spots!

Good sun protection is especially important to prevent skin spots. It is best used all year round. The  American Academy of Dermatology informs that sun protection is essential even on gray days. 

It is best to use a high-quality product with a sun protection factor of at least 30.  It should contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. There are specific products for oily skin.

Are there any risks to be aware of?

Depending on the formulation, some bleaching creams can cause photosensitivity. You should therefore only use these products in the evening. Possible side effects also include skin irritation, allergic reactions such as burning or itching, and dermatitis.

If these symptoms occur, stop treatment immediately and consult your dermatologist. The  American Acadamy of Dermatology  and others point out that there are bleaching creams that  contain lead and other harmful ingredients. You should therefore inform yourself well and choose high-quality products that your dermatologist recommends.

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