Is It The Love Of My Life?

Love alone is not enough for a lasting relationship. It must be accompanied by generosity, acceptance, respect and security!

Is it the love of my life

Is it the love of my life Did you ever doubt it or were you absolutely sure from the first moment you met your partner?

Many dream of  finding the love of life that arouses indescribable emotions,  a person in whom one can absolutely trust, who shows respect and gives unconditional love.

But different attitudes and opinions can obscure this idealistic idea of ​​love.

Careless mistakes can lead  to situations being allowed that in reality only lead to pain and suffering. 

One of these mistakes is believing that love alone is enough to build a lasting relationship. But this is not the case, other ingredients are also very important in a stable relationship.

The love of my life is unconditional and generous

Woman with a bird and in a cage the question arises: Where is the love of my life?

Yes, the  love of my life must be unconditional,  that is, it must be based on respect and must not dare to judge me.

The love of my life never hurts me with words, because she only uses them to motivate me and give me courage.

Bad moments don’t matter, those moments that get the worst out of a person and cause us to project frustration and resentment onto the person we love most.

The love of my life is by my side and loves all my facets,  it accepts my mistakes and errors.

But what is particularly important: We both bring the same amount into the relationship, nobody gives less, because we both want only the best!

I understand  that for the love of my life, generosity is of the utmost importance. If a chair leg begins to wobble due to fatigue, habit, or comfort, then all is lost.

The love of my life is so generous that it is always ready to resolve conflicts. Because in every relationship there are differences, discussions and problems that you have to talk about and negotiate in order to solve them.

Communication is of the utmost importance in a partnership. 

Things that are left unsaid or not said at the right time can gain power later and destroy everything you’ve built together.

Most importantly, if she makes me suffer, it’s not love

I understood  that the love of my life would never hurt me,  even if sometimes out of habit or blindness I allowed to say: “It is because he loves me so much!”.

But those who actually love you don’t manipulate you into submission and use you to their own advantage, as if you were worthless.

Woman with birds in front of her eyes the question arises: is it the love of my life?

Those who love you don’t lie to you because, as mentioned earlier, communication is very important. Honesty, understanding and respect are the cornerstones of a lasting relationship.

True love is a support that gives security. There is no place for fear, and also no doubts or uncertainties. As soon as these appear, the love of my life may no longer be there.

That is why it is important to open your eyes and not let unreal expectations guide you. You need to become aware of selfish behaviors that hurt a lot more than you want to admit.

Mature love is slowly built

Woman and man embrace and know: it is the love of my life

Sometimes there is a crisis because the libido may no longer be in the foreground and the passion in the relationship is missing. Frustration spreads because this has changed.

But that’s completely normal. The infatuation with butterflies in your stomach, which make you vibrate, usually disappears after a certain time. But then the relationship relaxes, is calmer and changes.

You have to see this as an evolution and not blame the other, because in a relationship both partners change. Love becomes more mature, but therefore not worse, on the contrary!

A mature love enjoys every stage of life in the relationship. She knows how to communicate and enjoys having the person she loves by her side.

Sometimes we want things to go quickly and this is exactly what can lead to failure. Anyone who wants to build a mature love has to take their time and enjoy every moment in peace. Such is the love of my life.

Love and being in love can easily be confused and often lead to doubts as to whether it is actually the love of life. 

Being confident and taking all of the above into account is essential to enjoying a fulfilling relationship.

Illustrations courtesy of Ofra Amit.

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