Lose Weight With Yoga: How Often Do I Have To Exercise?

If you don’t like jogging or doing strenuous cardio training, then try yoga to lose weight effectively.

Losing weight with yoga: how often do I have to exercise?

How now,  lose weight with yoga ? Yes, you can – stay tuned and find out more!

Those who want to achieve their desired weight through physical activity are often still looking for the right sport for them. If you landed on this page, you are sure to be one of them.

Would you like to try something new? Then give yoga a try!

It is important to have a certain discipline and perseverance in order to achieve the desired result. All sports require a minimum daily or weekly effort in order for the body to change and the person to start feeling better.

Yoga also requires a lot of stamina and effort – no, yoga is not just for meditating and stretching muscles – you can actually lose weight with it. You wonder how and why?

Reasons Why Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight

When you practice yoga, your whole body is in constant motion, even if the level of exertion and demand varies depending on the type of yoga. In general, it can be said that the asanas will help you strengthen your muscles.

When building muscles, the body uses more energy. This process occurs mainly in the areas of the body that contain the most fat. So the fat is burned and the organism is freed of toxins.

Practicing yoga also improves digestion, which in turn prevents the accumulation of fat.

Yoga can also help reduce anxiety and stress, the main causes and triggers of food cravings. Stressful and anxious situations induce people to use the food as a sedative.

That being said, stress increases levels of cortisol, a hormone that is responsible for the accumulation of fat. Yoga also helps you to control your energies and avoid negative thoughts and their impact on your body and mind.

Yoga positions for weight loss

Although all yoga exercises help keep your body in shape, some are more effective than others. We therefore recommend the following asanas for losing weight:


With this yoga posture, your body burns fat particularly quickly, especially in the abdominal area. It also helps to strengthen the thigh, buttock and back muscles.

The cobra is a popular yoga position

Warrior i

As you perform this exercise, you will work on your balance and improve your posture. You will feel the greatest effort in your legs, which will become slimmer and stronger through this asana.

In addition, performing this yoga pose regularly will also strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Sun salutation

As you probably already know, the sun salutation is the most complete of all yoga exercises, as it combines various asanas and thus trains the whole body. 

This way you will strengthen all of your muscles.

Plank or kumbhakasana

The plank is an exercise that is typically used to build abs. At the same time, it is also a yoga posture.

This yoga pose helps you burn fat in the stomach area and also strengthens your arms, shoulders, back, thighs, and buttocks. In other words, it’s pretty much an all-round exercise.

Lose weight with yoga: you should keep this in mind

Just like any other traditional weight loss sport, you should practice yoga regularly.

Typically, to lose weight, you would do between 45 minutes and 1 hour of cardio and abdominal exercises, push-ups, etc.

The same applies to losing weight with yoga . To lose weight through yoga, you should exercise at least 4 times a week for 1 hour with a lot of discipline.

If you want, you can also practice yoga every day, but then you should make sure to alternate very strenuous positions with lighter ones so as not to overwork your body.

There are 2 types of yoga that are particularly suitable for losing weight: Ashtanga yoga and Bikram yoga.

  • With the former, the asanas are performed faster, which makes it easier to sweat.
  • Bikram Yoga, also known as “Hot Yoga”, is practiced in a hot room, usually at 40 ° C. Not only does this increase your sweat drive, but it also helps with fat burning. In addition, by warming up the muscles, the risk of injury also decreases.
Lose weight with yoga and meditation

As with all physical activity, you will only notice the changes in your body after a few months. The important thing here is to do your exercises regularly and to accompany your training with a balanced diet.

Of course, yoga also helps you curb your appetite through more balance. With more mindfulness, you will also learn to listen more to your body and only eat when you are really hungry.

Even so, you have to make an effort and be disciplined to achieve success as soon as possible.

Watch your diet. Even if you only eat when you are hungry: if you do not eat healthy and nutritious dishes, you are sabotaging yourself! This will make your way to your desired weight much more difficult.

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