Lowering Your Fever – The Natural Way

You can put a damp cloth on your forehead and neck to cool your head and feel better. You can change the cloth as often as needed.

Lower your fever - naturally

If it affects our children above all, we try as often as possible to avoid taking medicines for fever. Here are some tips on how to lower a fever naturally.

Lower fever – advice

If you or someone in the family has an elevated temperature, follow these tips:

  • Apply moist compresses to your ankles. This is especially effective with young children. You can use stockings for this. Wet it and cover the ankles with the compress. When the stockings are dry again, repeat the process, but make sure that the stockings do not ooze. This soothes and calms your child.
  • Prepare a warm or lukewarm bath. If you stay in the shower for a few minutes, the temperature will gradually drop so the temperature change won’t be as noticeable.

    Lower fever in children
    • Drink plenty of fluids. A fever is equivalent to a loss of fluid because your body reacts to a foreign object. For this reason, drinking plenty of water, tea, or juice is a good solution, especially if a fever is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. The amount depends on each person. An adult should drink 2.2 to 3 liters a day, while a child needs 1.5 liters a day.
    • Cool the head and neck with moist and cold compresses. When the compresses are dry again or have warmed up, simply repeat the process.
    • Don’t eat too much. It would be advisable to have a warm vegetable soup or tea. This will make it easier for your body to recover quickly. If you are hungry, reduce the amount and eat in shorter periods of time.

    Old household recipes to lower your fever

    These home remedies are for lowering fever can help, but ask your doctor before using them (especially for herbal or natural medicine):

    • Raisin Tea:  Bring one cup of raisins to a boil in seven cups of water. Let this brew simmer until the liquid has reduced to a third. Wait for it to cool down and drink half a cup several times a day.

    Lower fever
    •  Sage tea: Sage promotes sweating and lowers fever. Prepare a cup with some sage leaves and boiling water, let it steep for 10 minutes and add honey, sugar or stevia and a few tablespoons of lemon juice.
    •  Salad leaf tea : With this tea you get body fluid. Lettuce leaves contain potassium, sodium and phosphorus. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil and pour the boiling water over a whole salad. Let it steep for 15 minutes, then filter the brew, add sweetener and drink it before it cools.
    • Ice cream:  eat ice cream! Children will especially like this advice. The sugar content helps against fever and the ice cream also cools the body down. The temperature drops, the body is given fluids and it tastes good.

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