Proper Nutrition During Pregnancy

The expectant mother needs a lot of nutrients during pregnancy. Fruit, vegetables and lean meat support the healthy development of the little belly-dweller and also of the mother. 

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Expectant mothers need to take good care of themselves and take care of their health, because the health of their growing baby also depends on it. Correct nutrition therefore plays a particularly important role in this waiting period. Because with it the pregnant woman can prevent various complications and provide her child with the necessary nutrients.

In general, the following measures are recommended during pregnancy: 

  • Medical examination every two weeks or every month
  • Control of physical activities and other daily obligations
  • A healthy and varied diet

Proper nutrition is especially important. It’s not about burning calories or losing weight, as this could harm the little belly-dweller. Then learn interesting facts about a healthy diet during pregnancy.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy: fruits and vegetables 

Proper nutrition during pregnancy: fruits and vegetables 
Fruits and vegetables provide folic acid, which is particularly important for the development of the fetus.

In general, fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin C and folic acid. It is therefore advisable to benefit from it every day, especially in the second and third stages of pregnancy. Fruits like oranges, melons or grapefruits and vegetables like broccoli, tomatoes or lettuce promote healthy fetal growth.

If you eat these foods regularly during pregnancy,  you will also promote an adequate birth weight for your child . A pregnant woman should eat 2 to 4 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

Lean protein

Proper nutrition during pregnancy: lean protein
Lean protein reduces fatigue. In addition, protein-rich foods are usually also characterized by important nutrients such as iron.

In order for the baby to develop healthily in the womb,  the pregnant woman needs foods rich in protein such as:

  • flesh
  • Eggs
  • cheese
  • milk
  • Seeds
  • Dried fruits

These foods are also high in vitamin B and iron. The mineral iron is important for the oxygen supply of the growing child and the muscle development of the mother. As a result, the pregnant woman will have fewer problems with fatigue, weakness, irritability, and depression. It is recommended that you consume 50 to 60 grams of lean protein daily during pregnancy.

Proper nutrition for pregnant women: whole grain cereals 

Grains are an excellent source of energy that pregnant women will particularly benefit from. It also provides important fiber, iron and vitamin B.  Whole grains are also characterized by carbohydrates and folic acid, a vitamin that is particularly important for the development of the fetus.

We recommend 6 to 12 servings a day with foods such as:

  • oats
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • rice
  • loaf
  • Cereals

Reduce the consumption of coffee and fish

You should reduce your coffee consumption during pregnancy. Various US sources, such as the   American  College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists  (ACOG),  recommend that expectant mothers consume less caffeine as this substance passes unfiltered through the placenta into the fetus. Too much caffeine is associated with miscarriages and premature births.

Fish, too, should only be consumed in modest amounts. Certain types of fish, such as tuna, can contain large amounts of mercury, which could cause developmental disorders in the fetus. 

Refrain from alcohol!

effects of alcohol

After consuming alcohol, this substance enters all parts of the body via the blood. During pregnancy, alcohol also reaches the fetus via the umbilical cord. This can affect the child’s development and, for example, result in behavioral or learning disorders in the future. Much research suggests that alcohol is harmful during pregnancy.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy 

The mother-to-be needs to know that whatever she eats or drinks is used as food for her growing child. That is why many experts recommend pregnant women to pay particular attention to healthy, varied and nutritious food. This also applies to drinks. In this way, you can provide your child with all the necessary nutrients in the stomach and promote healthy development. 

As mentioned earlier, there are many foods that  are very healthy even during pregnancy. However, you should avoid some of them. Pregnant women need a lot of calcium, folic acid, iron and protein. Pay attention to it!

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