Purple Carrots For Your Health

Purple carrots are rich in anthocyanins, the antioxidants that give this vegetable its characteristic color. They help against inflammation and also in the prevention of various types of cancer.

Purple carrots for your health

Purple carrots ? Purple carrots used to be common and were one of the most consumed varieties in Asia and Europe.

As early as 200 BC. were purple carrots grown, they were spread by Arab traders for centuries in various countries.

There were carrots of various colors. Depending on where they were grown and how the soil was composed, white, yellow or purple and almost black carrots were grown.

Orange carrots have been known since the 17th century, they originally come from the Netherlands.

It’s a mix bred by  Dutch farmers to please the Orange royal family. 

They were so successful that this new variety was also traded outside the Dutch borders and quickly became so popular that orange carrots are still sold everywhere.

A curious story that is well documented and explains to us why there are only a few types of carrots on the market these days.

But old varieties have been increasingly grown again in recent years, as they are often classified as “super foods”.

Then you will learn interesting facts about purple carrots so that you can benefit from them too.

Purple carrots for your health


Why are the carrots purple? Anthocyanins are responsible for this, which is a water-soluble plant pigment.

  • Anthocyanins are antioxidants that can be found in various foods, for example in red grapes, eggplants, blueberries, red beans, red cabbage or pomegranates.
  • Of course, you know that all of these foods are very healthy, so you can guess that this is also the case with purple carrots.
  • These improve heart health, have anti-cancer effects and reduce bad LDL cholesterol.
  • The purple carrots are also ideal for diabetics thanks to the anthocyanins they contain.
  • You can also help regulate blood sugar levels.
  • The antioxidants it contains protect the blood vessels and neutralize enzymes that disrupt collagen and connective tissue.

Purple carrots for weight loss

This type of carrot is very low in calories and is best eaten natural or steamed. It has a filling effect and contains a lot of fiber.

  • It is also interesting to know  that you can use it to promote digestion. Not only do purple carrots help regulate blood sugar levels, but they also improve the absorption of nutrients because they contain fiber.
  • Most of the fiber in the purple carrot is soluble, so it absorbs water in the digestive tract and forms a kind of gel. As a result, they gradually take pollutants with them on the transit through the intestines  and reduce the cholesterol in the blood.

Prevention of varicose veins


If you have varicose veins or weak veins, purple carrots can help reduce pain and pressure.

  • Here, too, the anthocyanins are very helpful because – as already mentioned – they have an anti-inflammatory effect. At the same time, they improve blood flow.
  • This variety of carrot activates certain  proteins that are able to repair damage to the walls of blood vessels. This is how you can improve the health of the vascular system.

    The varicose veins will not go away, however, but you can relieve the symptoms.

    Prevention against colon cancer

    Like blueberries, radishes or red grapes, purple carrots contain minerals and antioxidants that protect against cancer cells.

    • A study by the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Maryland (USA) shows that regular consumption of these foods can inhibit the growth of malignant cells in the intestine. 
    • Don’t forget to always buy organically grown vegetables so that you can actually benefit from all of the nutrients.

    Natural juice from purple carrots


    To take full advantage of the purple carrots, you can use it to make a drink. This is an excellent way to start the day, but it can also accompany a healthy dinner.


    • 2 purple carrots
    • 1 apple
    • Juice of half a lemon
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


    • Wash the carrots and apple, then cut them into pieces to make processing easier.
    • Now you can juice the vegetables and then mix them with the water and lemon juice. Then you can enjoy the drink.

    The taste of this juice is slightly sour and also a bit earthy,  it is very good for your health!

    If you haven’t been familiar with purple carrots, now is the time to try these vegetables!

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