Silent Teenagers And Frustrated Parents

Fortunately, this is only a temporary phase of life. As soon as this is over, you will be able to talk to your children about everything again.

Silent teenagers and frustrated parents

When our children finish their first phase of life, the first problems usually appear. One of these is the teenagers ‘ passive behavior , which freaks many parents.

Suddenly the talkative child takes a vow of silence and no longer tells what is happening to him. This stage is not easy and is made even more complicated by the voluntary silence.

Strangely enough, there is always a lack of communication with parents or family  . Teenagers usually only confide their deepest feelings and thoughts to their friends.

As a result, the parents feel rejected by their growing children and think that they have no trust in them. This situation often leads to discussion and misunderstanding.

The teenagers’ silence is mostly temporary

Crying teenager

The moment we become parents, it seems that we are completely forgetting about our own youth. After all, you have experienced what happens to your children yourself.

Why didn’t you talk to your parents back then? Why did you have more trust in your friends? There are several reasons that are normal for this period of constant change in teenagers:

  • They are aware that they cannot cope with themselves: teenagers jump from one feeling or thought to another overnight. Your hormones are on the up and down and not even they can explain what is happening to them. Therefore it can be difficult to convey this to others.
  • They do not believe they are understood: Communication problems highlight a major obstacle to understanding between parents and children. This is why teenagers prefer not to say anything to avoid conflict.
  • They trust their friends more because they spend more time with them: they spend much of the day at school or doing school activities with their classmates and friends. It is therefore logical that there should be a better understanding here. In addition, they go through the same experiences.

Do you feel identified? Even if you have left your youth behind you for a long time, it is important to be able to empathize with them. They are as confused as we used to be.

But this phase of life is over. The silence of the teenagers does not last forever and soon you will have a grown person in front of you who will talk to you and trust you again.

Leaching frustration

Teenager looks out the window

Reactions such as frustration, raving or screaming lead to conflicts. An explosion of emotions can also lead to aggressiveness.

It is therefore important to learn to deal with frustration, otherwise you will be left with no energy and power.

You can’t force your child to talk to you. Despite your best efforts for mutual trust, you have to give him the necessary time.

Patience  and understanding are required here in order to help your child through this difficult phase of life.

Many parents accuse their children of their behavior, which however cannot be controlled. It is part of the development between childhood and adulthood.

How can we help them and ourselves?

Mother scolds teenage daughter

In order to better deal with the silence of your teenage children, you should not only think about yourself, but also think about how you can help your child.

Here are a few tips, even if they are not easy in everyday life:

  • Give them their personal space : Teenagers need their space and privacy. Even if you mean it well, you should respect it.
  • Don’t press them : this doesn’t make any sense. Insisting on this will only reinforce their silence.
  • Not attack him, the more you reproach them not to trust you not to be honest, the more they distance themselves.
  • Do not lose your nerve : Even if it is difficult, but if you take your frustration out on your children, the situation will not improve.
  • You are a mother or father, not a girlfriend or boyfriend, behave accordingly. Teenagers need someone who is strong, who draws boundaries, and who guides them through the bumpy road.
Crazy family teenagers

Be aware that a teenager’s silence doesn’t last their entire life. It’s a phase of development that everyone experiences in one way or another.

It is important to be patient and not want to patronize our children too much. Scolding and accusations do not always have the desired effects.

Even if your teen has moved away from you , this will change again as soon as he reaches a little more maturity and awareness of life.

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