Stimulating Hair Growth: Healthy Tips

You don’t necessarily need expensive special products. There are inexpensive home remedies that can help you too. Find out more about it afterwards. 

Stimulating hair growth: healthy tips

Well-groomed hair creates the perfect setting for an expressive face. But what to do when the hair is brittle, grows slowly and lacks shine and vitality. Today we will show you how you can stimulate your  hair growth .

You don’t necessarily need expensive special products for this. There  are inexpensive home remedies that can help you too. Find out more about it afterwards. 

Stimulating hair growth: healthy tips

1. Care from within: healthy eating

Stimulate hair growth with vitamin C.

You can stimulate hair growth with certain nutrients that you supply to your body through your diet  Your hair will be fuller, silky and shiny.

The following vital substances should therefore not be missing in your diet:

  • Vitamin B:  Green leafy vegetables contain vitamin B and are therefore particularly recommended. For example, you can make delicious salads with spinach, cress, green lettuce, broccoli, and rocket. Dried fruits and cereals also contain vitamin B.
  • Vitamin C:  We recommend freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast. Kiwis, mangoes, papayas, and grapefruit are also excellent.
  • Healthy teas:  Ginger tea, green or white tea, and horsetail tea are also very beneficial!

2. Home remedies with rosemary and olive oil


This combination is excellent for stimulating hair growth. Massage the scalp with it twice a week.

  • The preparation of this home remedy is very simple: Mix 2 tablespoons of rosemary essential oil with half a cup of olive oil and then apply to the scalp. Massage into the skin and let it work for at least 10 minutes. Then rinse.

3. Vegetable oils and avocado: perfect for beautiful hair!

avocado conditioner

For this hair mask you need half an avocado and a vitamin E capsule,  which you can get in the pharmacy or health food store. You can use it to stimulate your hair growth. You can also add a little coconut oil if you wish.

  • Mash the pulp of half the avocado with a fork and mix in the contents of the Vitemin-E-Kapsil. Apply the mask to damp hair and leave it on for 20 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of water. This mask is recommended once a week.

4. Mask with beer and egg


You can also use this to promote your hair growth. At the same time  , your hair will shine wonderfully after this treatment.

  • You need 3 egg yolks and half a glass of beer. Mix everything well with the mixer and then apply to the hair. Then it’s best to put a plastic hood on to intensify the effect. After about 20 minutes of action, rinse with lukewarm water.

    5. Nettle water

    nettle tea

    Nettle water is excellent for your hair! It improves blood circulation and stimulates hair growth. Our grandmothers used this home remedy.

    • Scald 5 nettles with a cup of hot water and let them steep for a few minutes. As soon as the tea has cooled, apply it to damp hair and massage the scalp gently. Let it work for a moment and then rinse with lukewarm water. You will immediately see the excellent result. This home remedy is recommended twice a week.

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