Treating Melasma Naturally

Usually hormonal changes are responsible for the skin spots. Very often these occur during pregnancy due to changes in progesterone and estrogen levels. But hormonal contraceptives or other hormone treatments can also cause this.

Treating melasma naturally

As Melasma is known spots on the skin surface. Most of these are caused by hormonal changes, exposure to the sun or increasing age. But genetic predisposition and other factors also play a role. These pigment spots are very common, especially in younger women with fair skin.

Read on to learn more about the causes and natural treatment options.

What is Melasma?

Usually hormonal changes are responsible for the skin spots. Very often these occur during pregnancy due to an altered progesterone and estrogen level. But hormonal contraceptives or other hormone treatments can also cause this.

The risk is greater in summer because UV radiation is also one of the possible triggers. Stress, cosmetics, medication or thyroid disorders can also trigger skin spots.

The only symptom of this disease are pigment spots caused by the excessive formation of melatonin. It often occurs on the forehead, cheeks, nose or above the lips. Since the spots are often symmetrical and occur during pregnancy, it is also called a pregnancy mask.

Melasma in Pregnancy

Medical treatment is usually carried out with ointments that contain azelaic acid, hydroquinone or tretinoin. Chemical peel can also be used. An acidic solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layer of skin. This should then form new, even skin. 

If the problem is caused by hormone treatment, the first thing you should check with your doctor. In this case, the best solution is probably to stop treatment. Or switch to other tablets if possible. 

If you are pregnant, you have to wait and see how the symptom develops. The melasma usually disappears on its own after a few months. However,  it can reappear if you become pregnant again or if there are hormonal changes.

As a precaution, you should use good sunscreen. You can use it to prevent wrinkles and skin cancer at the same time. 

Home remedies for melasma

The coffee-colored pigment spots on the face can be treated with simple home remedies. As mentioned earlier, these  spots are due to increased melanin production.

Treat melasma with medication

Try the following home remedies:

  • Banana: Mash a banana and apply the puree to the affected areas. After 15 minutes of action, rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Eggplant:  Place a slice of eggplant on the affected area and secure it with a band-aid. Remove after 15 minutes. Use this method three times a week.
  • Black balm: 4 to 5 drops of this balm are sufficient, they are mixed well with an egg white. Then apply twice a day (morning and evening).
  • Hydrogen peroxide: moisten the skin patches with hydrogen peroxide in the evening.
  • Mask against stains: Make a homogeneous paste from two spoons of powdered milk, 4 spoons of honey and 2 spoons of lemon juice. Apply it to the patches of skin and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then wash off and apply natural yogurt. Wash off after 10 minutes.
  • Onion and vinegar: Chop up an onion and add some vinegar. It is best to process the whole thing in a stand mixer into a paste. Apply the mixture to the stains and let it sit for 15 minutes. If the mask feels uncomfortable, wash it off immediately.

pregnant woman with melasma

Other Recommendations

  • Sensitive or genetically predisposed people should take additional measures to prevent melasma as much as possible. In this case, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or use a high sun protection factor. Use sunscreen every day to protect your skin. In addition, you should avoid hormonal treatments as much as possible.

    • Even if they are natural remedies, they must be chosen carefully and correctly. Abrasive treatments can have the opposite effect and make the stain worse! 
    • Most of the time, the stains can only be reduced, but no longer completely removed.
    • However, it is usually a  purely aesthetic problem that does not cause any further damage. 
    • Techniques such as microdermabrasion, chemical peeling or laser treatment are only recommended in extreme cases. Let your dermatologist advise you, he can recommend the best method. 

    Images courtesy of Sicchickk 71, Edwin & Telly Tofslie, trec_lit, Ophelie Baudelaire, Michael Chen, Greg Peverill Conti.

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