Weight Reduction: Fewer Carbohydrates Instead Of Less Fat

If you take in fewer carbohydrates through your diet, you will be able to lose weight more easily. At the same time, you can avoid various health problems. It is not a question of completely giving up carbohydrates, but of making the important choice! 

Weight reduction: fewer carbohydrates instead of less fat

Are you always looking for useful tips to make losing weight easier? Are you trying to achieve your goal by consuming less fat? Then you should read this article, because we recommend that you  eat less carbohydrates  in order to achieve your desired weight.

If you  include fewer carbohydrates  in your eating plan, you may find it easier to solve your problem. But don’t forget: it’s about less, you must never completely eliminate  carbohydrates from the menu!

1. Fewer carbohydrates for excessive obesity

If you are severely overweight, you should know that you can lose between 5 and 6 pounds in around 6 months with a low-carb diet  Do you think that is very little? Very overweight or obesity are serious problems that are not easy to solve.

However, if you lose weight, you can prevent problems like diabetes or metabolic syndrome!

People who are very overweight can achieve the following goals with a low-carb diet, that is, with a low-carbohydrate diet:

  • Reduce triglyceride levels.
  • Improve insulin resistance.
  • Achieve healthy insulin levels.

When comparing a low-carbohydrate and a low-fat diet, the following results were obtained:

  • People on low-fat diets have lost between 1.9 and 4.2 kilograms in weight in 6 months.
  • People who consumed less carbohydrates lost 5.8 to 8.6 kilograms in the same period.

2. Low carb diets help teenagers with weight problems

less carbohydrates for weight loss

We all know the importance of maintaining a healthy weight. Unfortunately, more and more children and adolescents are becoming overweight and have to keep a diet. 

A 2000 study found that a low-carb diet helps lose weight and reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems in adolescents. In this study, amazing results were achieved after 12 weeks: on average, the participants had lost about 9 kilos.

It should not be forgotten that it is particularly important for  young people to maintain a healthy weight, as this also affects their emotional state. A healthy weight improves self-esteem and confidence.

The diet has to be changed by a nutritionist, because the young people have to learn healthy habits and abandon harmful eating habits at the same time.

3. Less carbohydrates – better mood

Family eats less carbohydrates

Are you always in a bad mood? Do you get frustrated easily, even if there is no reason for it? You should know that a study found that low-carb diets are very beneficial in several areas:

  • You can use it to better control your appetite,
  • Fight insomnia,
  • Reduce fatigue and
  • Relieve stomach problems.

In addition, you should know that diet also affects brain chemistry. You know for sure that chocolate makes you happy. However, you should also know that processed carbohydrates cause health problems. 

Another study found that fewer carbohydrates in the diet can improve cognitive skills. This means that your thinking and reactions are more efficient!

Which carbohydrates can you include in the diet?

Woman buys fewer carbohydrates
  • Under no circumstances should you completely do without carbohydrates! Your body also  needs carbohydrates, but you should be selective about achieving your goal. A healthy diet needs a small amount of carbohydrates, from which the organism can gain energy, otherwise you will be tired quickly and even simple tasks will be difficult for you.
  • You should combine carbohydrates with high-quality fiber. For example, a mixture of whole grains, fruits and vegetables is best. On average, about 18 grams of fiber is recommended to help the body process the carbohydrates faster.
  • Get help from a nutritionist. He can advise you individually and put together the correct diet for you.

You now know what to do: less carbohydrates!

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