What Can Help Against Stomach Acidity?

In this article we recommend a 3-day cure with healing foods, which can be helpful against excess stomach acid.

What can help against stomach acidity?

A stomach acid, also called hyperacidity, can be very uncomfortable and even painful sometimes. Adequate nutrition can help control the problem, but it can lead to an acute disorder that is difficult to calm down.

In this article, we recommend a 3-day cure with healing foods, which can be helpful against excess stomach acid.

Be careful with baking soda

Most of them resort to  baking soda or other base-forming drugs in the event of stomach acidity. However, it is advisable to use these funds only rarely,  otherwise serious health problems can arise in the long term. 

The stomach is naturally acidic because it contains hydrochloric acid. Even if the stomach becomes too acidic, base-forming drugs can damage the acid-base balance and consequently lead to digestive disorders.

As a result, various stomach diseases could develop over time,  including cancer.


Wonderful cure

We recommend a natural alternative that usually does not cause harmful side effects on the digestive system.

With this we can not only alleviate the acidity of the stomach, but also  strengthen the entire digestive system and prevent further disorders of the acid balance. 

Pay close attention to the steps explained below in order to achieve good results.

Well-known home remedy for stomach acidity

The cure starts with taking the juice of half a raw potato (about 50 ml) with a tablespoon of virgin olive oil (15 ml) every day on an empty stomach.

This well-known home remedy  has an alkaline and anti-inflammatory effect. The excellent results can be felt very quickly.

This regimen can be carried out for up to 9 days. It is then advisable to take a break for several days before repeating it one more time.

Wash and peel the potato well, under no circumstances should it have sprouts or sprouts, as these can be poisonous. In health food stores, potato juice can also be bought ready-to-drink.

potato juice

Four wonderful foods

We chose four foods for their healing properties to make a 3-day regimen. This can help regulate the acid-base balance and promote digestive function. 

It also cleanses the body at the same time, which is recommended at least once a year.

Which foods?

  • Potatoes:  As mentioned earlier, potatoes are excellent for balancing the acid balance.
  • Cabbage:  These vegetables help heal ulcers, but there are many who do not tolerate raw cabbage well. We therefore recommend boiled cabbage with a little caraway, pickled cabbage or sauerkraut.
  • Carrots:  These regulate the pH value in the stomach and can therefore also prevent stomach ulcers.
  • Apples:  These are great for general health and are great to combine as they are neutral. Apples are ideal for digestive disorders.

How is the cure carried out?

If possible, you should avoid exertion during the three selected days. In the morning, drink the potato juice with olive oil on an empty stomach. After that, only the 4 recommended nutrients are consumed.

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots and apples can be prepared in a variety of ways, but no other foods may be eaten. Boiled, steamed, baked, raw, grated in salads or juices, there are many options.

On the fourth day, these foods are still on the menu, but other foods that you normally eat will gradually be added as well.

However, the following foods should be avoided as much as possible:

  • milk and milkproducts
  • Fried
  • White flour
  • sugar
  • alcohol
  • coffee
  • red meat and sausages

    Images provided by Erich Ferdinand, Breville USA, katalopolis and anjuli_ayer.

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