What Is Nifedipine?

When administering nifedipine, the contraindications in particular must be taken into account, otherwise complications could arise. Find out more about this medicine today. 

What is nifedipine?

Nifedipine  is a calcium antagonist from the group of dihydropyridines. This drug expands the smooth muscles of the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. It also has a slightly inotropic negative effect.

That is why this medicine is used in the treatment of angina pectoris and high blood pressure. Rapid release capsules are also used in the therapy of Raynaud’s syndrome. 

This drug can be administered both  orally and sublingually. In patients with swallowing problems, the drug is placed under the tongue. For example, if you have a high blood pressure crisis.

However, sublingual administration can be dangerous,  so it is not necessarily recommended. This is because the antihypertensive response can be very strong and difficult to control.

It is also important to note that it  is dangerous to use in combination with grapefruit juice or other CYP inhibitors. This could in fact increase the concentration of the drug significantly and trigger symptoms of poisoning.

What is Raynaud’s Syndrome?

What is nifedipine

Raynaud’s syndrome, or Raynaud’s disease, affects the blood vessels in the fingers and toes. When people are under stress or when they feel cold, their blood vessels constrict. As a result, the blood cannot circulate properly in the fingers and toes. Therefore, they turn pale and take on a white or bluish color.

After the attack, the blood vessels relax and the skin turns red. Patients then experience the sensation of pulse beating and tingling. If the situation gets worse, skin injuries can also occur or tissue can even die.

The exact causes of Raynaud’s syndrome have not yet been adequately researched. It is also important to distinguish between the primary and secondary forms of this disease. Most often, the primary form occurs, unrelated to any other disease.

The secondary form of Raynaud’s syndrome is caused by an undiagnosed disease. Although this form occurs less frequently, it is far more serious than the primary form. The following diseases are possible triggers of secondary Raynaud’s disease:

  • Conjunctival disease
  • Diseases of the arteries
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Smoke
  • Injuries to the hands or feet

Mechanism of action: how does nifedipine work?

Mechanism of action: how does nifedipine work?

As already mentioned, nifedipine is a calcium antagonist. So it is a drug that inhibits the influx of calcium into the cells of the myocardium and blood vessels. This is done by selectively blocking specific calcium channels.

This drug belongs to the group of dihydropyridines. It has a particular effect on the peripheral blood circulation, relaxes the smooth vascular muscles and widens the arteries on two levels: 

  • Peripheral vasodilation: The drug reduces the resistance of the afterload. This is why nifedipine is very beneficial for patients with high blood pressure and Raynaud’s disease.
  • Coronary vasodilatation:  Coronary blood flow and the oxygen supply to the myocardium improve. Therefore, this drug is effectively used in the treatment of angina pectoris.

On the other hand, this drug can also slightly reduce cardiac contractility and cardiac conductivity.

Nifedipine: contraindications and side effects

Nifedipine: contraindications and side effects 

When administering this drug, there are  several situations to consider where the drug is contraindicated, as it could cause complications. For example, this drug must not be used in the event of an allergy to nifedipine.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also not take this medicine as it could harm the baby. In addition, data from other drugs in the same group suggest  that it should not be used in combination with rifampicin. 

On the other hand, like other commercially available drugs, nifedipine can cause  various  side effects that must be taken into account. These include the following:

  • Vascular problems related to the vasodilator effect,  such as dizziness, headache, or peripheral edema
  • Heart problems such as palpitations, low blood pressure or heart failure
  • Indigestion
  • Changes in the nervous system, such as nervousness or insomnia


Nifedipine is a  drug that is primarily used in the treatment of high blood pressure, Raynaud’s disease and angina pectoris. As it is very strong, special care should be taken when administering it.

If you have any doubts about this medicine, seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist. Of course, it is also important to respect the recommendations and instructions of the doctor and to adhere to them exactly.

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