What Women Expect From Relationships

What women expect from relationships

Women often expect more from their partnership than men and also pay attention to the little subtleties.

When looking for a partner,  women are  much more selective than men. It’s not just looks that count, there are much more important things too. In this post you will learn what women really expect from their ideal partner.

1. Strong team players

A relationship usually means spending everyday life together and shaping it harmoniously. The most beautiful man in the world is useless if he is unable to provide moments of happiness and positive energy every day.

Women look for someone who makes them laugh, who they can share secrets with, and someone who understands them. A partner who makes life easier and who not only shows demands, mistrust or jealousy all the time.

This does not strengthen a partnership, negative feelings only lead to suffering and anger. Who doesn’t want an everyday relationship full of joy, free from pain.

2. Communicative listeners

This arguably applies to all relationships – both ourselves and our partners should have the ability to listen and understand. Empathizing with the other strengthens the relationship and then enables a pleasant coexistence and a common future.

What is needed is a partner with whom you can speak openly about everything, including feelings and things that hurt or make you happy.

3. The partner should be funny and exciting


Everyday relationships can stay fresh and exciting with simple little things.

Even a smile in the morning brings joy, a promise, joint future projects, a comforting look at the right time, a hug in the dark, loud laughter and a walk in the park, there are numerous ways to enjoy yourself together.

These little things beautify everyday life, you always have to work on a relationship. You have to feel the sincere desire to be happy and to want to make your partner happy too, because you love and respect him and therefore only want the best for him.

Maintaining the flame of being in love, the very special crackling, ensures a happy everyday life.

4. Women want a mature, confident partner


Immature, insecure people often make relationships very difficult. When low self-esteem and distrust are added, it often creates very negative feelings. Jealousy or emotional manipulation, cheating or blackmail are often the result.

Every relationship is easier with mature, confident people – someone who has empathy and is also able to build a healthy, happy, stable relationship step by step .

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