When You Lack Passion For Life

When you lack passion for your own life, stop!

When there is no passion for life

The passion for the hobby, the partner, the holiday country is nothing compared to the passion you should feel for your own life in order to enjoy it happily with all your heart.

Does Passion Create Suffering?

“Passion that creates suffering” is a German saying. But why?

Passion is a particularly strong emotion in which the strongest feelings, love and hate are united. Today, passion is seen more as something positive, but it can also lead to negatives, for example when passion for a religion leads to fanaticism killing so-called “unbelievers”.

In this respect, passion can actually create suffering, but it can also happen in everyday life: if you love your partner with all your heart, every argument, every argument and especially the separation hurts terribly and makes you suffer.

But this text is about your life today, which you should live with passion – and not suffer from it!

Passionate couple in love

Make your life your hobby!

Why do you torment yourself through everyday life in order to have a few minutes at the end of the day for your hobby?

The few minutes that are never enough to really indulge your passion for your hobby? Wouldn’t it be nicer if your entire life could become your hobby, your passion? Wouldn’t you then enjoy every moment twice as much?

At first this idea may make you angry, you may think “my life is hard and unfair, how can anyone suggest something like that?”

You may think that it won’t be time for it until you retire. But do you know whether you will still see your retirement? And if so, how long?

So start making your life your favorite hobby today!

Flower full of power and passion

Pay attention to the little things in life

It is surely too much to ask to knock your entire life upside down to make it your most important passion if it isn’t already.

But it is now possible to start with the small things and slowly work on the big ones. Stop and ask yourself at this moment: what can I be grateful for?

Maybe for being healthy, for having kids, a roof over your head, a job. Realize: this is not a matter of course!

Now consider at this moment: what beautiful happened to you today? Was it the sun that was shining through the curtains when you woke up? That your loved one made your coffee for you? That there was still a piece of cake in the fridge? Isn’t that all great? Realize that big things don’t always have to happen, even small things add up to greater happiness!

Rebuild your life

Nowadays we live in a performance society in which it is more important what job you have than being a good person. A life where it sounds great when someone works overtime because that is supposed to mean how important you are.

But we don’t have time for what really defines your life, outside the four walls of the office, outside the duties of your job, outside the guidelines that others give you for your life.

Try to start remodeling your life now so that you don’t have to wait for the end of the day to live out your hobby, to pursue your passion. So that your life feels like a hobby every second, something that you enjoy, that is fun and happy.

Learn to say no at work, to leave on time, maybe reduce working hours, look for a new job, get a transfer, … there are many ways to transform your life so that it suits you every second.

But you must not wait for something to change, only you can change something yourself!

Passionate friend in the mountains

Independence is good, loneliness is not

Of course it’s great to be completely free and independent in life, but make sure that this doesn’t lead to loneliness.

A passion that is shared with others is far greater than when you pursue your hobby alone. In this sense, it is better to build a stable social environment that accompanies you through your life with joy and enthusiasm and lives your passion together.

Together it is easier to get out of dark moments, to climb sunny mountains again after deep valleys and to be happy.

Most hobbies are nicer when you share them, so convert this knowledge to your biggest hobby: your life!

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