Why Is The Second Pregnancy Different?

The second pregnancy is perceived differently by most mothers than the first pregnancy.

Why is the second pregnancy different?

The second pregnancy is different if only because you don’t have the opportunity to rest as much as you did in the first, because there is still a small person who needs your care and attention. But that’s not the only difference!

The second pregnancy benefits from experience

In contrast to the first, the second pregnancy can be calmer because we already know what to expect. The reassurance of knowing what is coming with this new pregnancy gives serenity to many women, although it can be much more exciting to others.

While mothers receive mental guidance on a number of events that can occur during pregnancy, each new pregnancy is still a new experience.

Undoubtedly it has some similarities with the previous one, but the second pregnancy will also come with completely new situations.

second pregnancy

Experience the second pregnancy with the firstborn

The second child arrives with a very different wealth of experience that the mothers gained during the first pregnancy. What many mothers often fail to consider, however, is that the second pregnancy can just as easily be more awkward, difficult or simply different than the previous one.

The second pregnancy brings with it both physical and emotional changes that increase the stress on the mother who is caring for the first child.

This will be the big challenge. This time you are not alone, but have to take care of your firstborn during the 9 months.

enjoy second pregnancy

What exactly is the difference to the first pregnancy?

Every woman reacts differently, of course, and a lot depends on the living conditions of the expectant mother. But you will surely agree with the following differences:

  • Forget about sleeping in, which helped against the greater tiredness during your first pregnancy. Your other child, especially if it is a young child, will require attention and love, making sleeping in and resting hard to think of.
  • Your first child will be the best companion while waiting. While the baby is still in the womb, you can work with your child and partner to create a tender bond between them and the new baby. The bond strengthens day by day as the belly grows.
  • Oddly enough, you will have more energy than when you were pregnant for the first time. Sometimes you will feel like “superwoman” and ask yourself how you could manage it all on your own: looking after a toddler, household, job and second pregnancy …
  • You can plan a delivery that you didn’t have in your first pregnancy. If you didn’t dare decide to have a home or water birth the first time around, maybe now is your time. It is even possible to have a second child naturally after a caesarean section.
Several problems can arise with breastfeeding and breast milk production

Breastfeeding and Second Pregnancy

If you are one of those people who would like to breastfeed your baby for at least two years, but you were surprised by the news of your second pregnancy, don’t despair and don’t start weaning.

Of course there are many opinions on this. Many mothers or grandmothers will tell you that breastfeeding during pregnancy is incompatible. There are also doctors who believe that this can lead to a spontaneous abortion at any time. However, the risk of all the negative happening is lower than some mothers think.

When you have a healthy and calm pregnancy, there is nothing to worry about. You can continue to breastfeed your other child without fear and continue to do the best you can give your children.

However, if you have any of the following conditions, you should consult your doctor or midwife. It may be advisable to stop breastfeeding in the following cases:

  • High risk pregnancy due to your age or due to pregnancy diseases,
  • if you are expecting twins,
  • if you’ve had any bleeding.

In such situations, your doctor will advise you to stop breastfeeding, and discuss the possible risks with him if you do not want to.

second pregnancy


During your first pregnancy, you were the focus of family and friends. However, with the second baby bump, it is possible that attention will wane. Don’t be alarmed, they will give you a lot of love, but it will never be like the first time.

Being pregnant is one of the most enriching experiences women have. The second pregnancy brings a different air, a wind of change: there is another child that you have to take by the hand, feed and love.

It is necessary to build a space of love and happiness while your first child and the whole family await the baby’s arrival.

Despite all the activity that you have through the first child, try to find rest for yourself, because your second baby also needs your rest.

Enjoy your second pregnancy as the mother you already are, as a woman with lived experience. Better prepare yourself because now, as a mother of two, new challenges are coming your way.

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