With Papaya Against Bloating And Bloating

Thanks to its enzymes, papaya can help us to calm the stomach and intestines. Gases that have already formed can be eliminated more easily

With papaya against bloating and bloating

Bloating and distension of the most common digestive problems. Even if it mainly affects women, we have all felt this uncomfortable feeling that our stomach is overfilled and bloated, as if we had eaten too much.

In such situations, we often resort to medication that is supposed to give us relief, for example so-called antiflatulants, which work against flatulence. U

However, it should be clear that a bloated stomach can have various reasons and that adequate treatment first requires identification of the cause.

As a rule, it is enough to maintain a healthy, balanced diet to prevent recurring feelings of fullness. Natural remedies support the recovery process and these are what we want to talk about today.

How it comes to bloating and bloating

The bloated stomach that often plagues us in the evening is not the result of stored body fat, because we certainly did not gain that much weight in one day.

Although many people suffer from bloating, in individual cases it can have very serious causes that require medical attention.

If you are one of those people who suffer from bloating very often, almost all of the time, please consult a specialist doctor.

In this article we would like to introduce you to the most common causes of bloating and bloating.

Voelle feeling


A Constipation is the most common cause of a bloated belly and as it affects many women repeated the accompanying symptoms occur bloating and bloating on a regular basis. Anyone who has n’t been able to go to the bathroom for a few days is sure to feel bloated.

  • Under these conditions, the intestinal flora becomes unbalanced. Microorganisms, which otherwise only occur in small quantities, multiply excessively. In addition , toxins build up in the intestines that cannot be eliminated until digestion is revived.
  • In this state, the absorption of important nutrients is difficult. They get into the blood in lower concentrations, while toxins are absorbed and put a strain on the body.

Chronic constipation requires treatment from a doctor.


The term dyspepsia describes a complex of symptoms made up of various digestive complaints, for which a clear cause cannot always be determined.

Much of the population suffers from dyspepsia and possible reasons for these health problems include hereditary predisposition or stomach ulcers due to infection with Heliobacter pylori.

  • The gastric emptying is delayed and the entire digestive process is slowed down.
  • In the altered intestinal flora, fermentation reactions occur in which gases are formed.
  • Even after consuming small portions, we feel the bloated, painful stomach.

Food intolerance

Sometimes there are food intolerances without the person concerned being aware of it. It doesn’t have to get to the point that we develop a fever and vomit, even less drastic symptoms can indicate that we cannot tolerate certain foods.

Indications of this are slow, clumsy, sometimes painful digestion.

  • In some people, the digestive tract is unable to break down certain food components as it does in healthy people. Dairy products and gluten are common triggers for food intolerance.
  • When food cannot be digested properly, it weighs heavily on us. They are then partially fermented, which can lead to diarrhea or constipation. The stomach hurts and we feel bloated.

Fluid retention

Water retention in the tissue means that the interstitial fluid is increased, i.e. more water accumulates between the individual cells. This can be caused by liver and kidney problems that need to be treated by a doctor.

But also an inappropriate diet, long periods of sitting with little physical activity and other unhealthy lifestyle habits lead to fluid retention, especially in the area of ​​the legs and abdomen. In addition to constipation, water retention is the most common cause of bloating and bloating.

Remedy with papaya against bloating and bloating

Papaya shake

The papaya and its digestive enzymes

One of the healthiest alternatives to stomach gas prophylaxis is to consume papaya regularly. It contains papain, a very powerful digestive enzyme.

It is found in both the pulp and the leaves of the tree and helps us treat gastrointestinal complaints.

  • Another interesting fact about papaya is that it optimizes protein digestion. It also stimulates biochemical processes in the cells.
  • The enzymes that we consume with papaya are also highly recommended for problems with the pancreas. Thanks to this tropical, delicious fruit we can improve digestion, stimulate the excretion of gases and also prevent bloating and bloating.

Anti-inflammatory shake for digestive problems


  • 1 cup papaya cut into small pieces (150 g)
  • 1 tbsp aloe vera gel (15 g)
  • one tbsp green tea (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • This shake is very easy to prepare and allows you to stimulate your digestion and fight inflammatory processes in the digestive tract.
  • First we prepare an infusion from green tea and water. Let it steep for 20 minutes.
  • In the meantime, you can cut the papaya and extract the gel from the aloe vera, if you haven’t already.
  • Now we put the green tea, papaya and aloe vera gel in the blender. Process everything into as homogeneous a mixture as possible, which will be very good for your bowel.
  • If you start the day with this delicious, healthy shake, you will still feel good in the evening. You will notice that a feeling of fullness and bloating are no longer your daily companions, that constipation occurs less often and digestion is much more gentle overall.

    Do you fancy trying the papaya shake?

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